Innovative bio-reactive products from aromatic and pharmaceutical plants by-products

About this good practice
The Hellenic Agricultural Organization (HAO) DIMITER , is the main National Agricultural Research Foundation which is in charge of research for technological improvement and development in agricultural, forest, fish production; veterinary and food production. The HAO-DIMITER in order to satisfy the addressed need of animal breeders has started up an eco-system consisting of two industries activated on producing, processing, packaging and selling spices, scented plants, herbs, beverages, and animal breeding products (Bagatzounis Markos & Sons S.A., Greek Feed Industries (EL.VI.Z)) and two University Labs (Nutrition Lab of AUTH, Lab of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Natural products NKUA) in order to produce and test animal breeding products and eventually commercialize these products.
Expert opinion
The rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a significant threat to both human and animal health, and reducing the reliance on antibiotics in agriculture is essential. A shift toward responsible antibiotic use, combined with the adoption of alternative strategies such as better animal husbandry, vaccination, probiotics, and natural antimicrobials, offers promising solutions to combat AMR. This good practice shows a growing industry focused on natural antimicrobials. At the same time, it is a very good example of regional attempts to develop the bio-based economy in Greece. It is an illustration of a successful collaboration between academia and business for the development of an innovative product. Other EU regions can benefit from exploring the eco-system, which has been developed to connect scientific research and market needs, as well as the technical aspects of the bio-based economic model.
Resources needed
Evidence of success
Potential for learning or transfer
Good practice owner
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Municipality of Kozani