About this good practice
The Social Innovation Incubator was created by Caritas of the Przemyśl Archdiocese in partnership with the Podkarpacki Entrepreneurship Academy in frame of a project entitled "INNOES - Grant program for social innovation in the area of accessibility", co-financed by the European Social Fund under the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program 2014-2020, Priority Axis IV Social innovations and transnational cooperation, Measure 4.1 Social innovations. For the last 2 years the Incubator has supported activities aimed at improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and the elderly with limited perception and mobility. The Social Innovation Incubator is a place where people, legal persons, self-employed and entities with ideas for social innovations can benefit from experts support when developing, testing and implementing ideas and may apply for financial support for their implementation. Each social innovation could apply for the grant of maximum value 40 950,00 PLN (appx. 9100 EUR). It is planned that up to 50 organizations can receive grants. The Social Innovation Incubator operates within the Podkarpackie Regional Social Economy Support Center and aims to implement measures to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities and elderly people with limited perception and / or mobility.
Expert opinion
The Social Innovation Incubator is an initiative led by a not-for-profit organisation and the public sector aiming to improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and the elderly with limited perception and mobility in the Subcarpathian Voivodeship in Poland. The Social Innovation Incubator supports social entrepreneurs with mentoring, services, and funding to develop, test, and implement their ideas. The good practice offers a path towards the promotion of social innovation in an Eastern European context. The good practice can be of interest for Eastern European regional policymakers that aim to promote greater community-engagement around the uptake of social innovation practices.
Resources needed
Project value 4.237.149,70 PLN
Project team: 5 full time employees are involved in all the project tasks - coordinator, financial manager and specialists who help social innovators. 3 offices which are situated in 3 different cities of the region provide a proper access to the project team.
Evidence of success
Up to now 18 people and organizations received grants for social innovations. All help elderly and disabled people in ordinary life. Each support amounted between 18000,00 to 40950,00 PLN. The total amount of the grants so far reached 681111,11 PLN. Innovations which received grants: Mobile Library; Webinar German language course for disabled people; Open seizure detector of epilepsy attacks and falls; Shopping bag with fasteners for for a wheelchair trolley; Mobi Seni App.
Potential for learning or transfer
At present population in European countries is aging. Every year there are more and more elderly people who need care and attention. Moreover there is a shortage of qualified staff in the field of elderly care on the labour market. Social innovations for people with disabilities and the elderly with limited perception and mobility can be a solution for this important problem and can improve the life of those people. Many people and organizations have innovative solutions but due to lack of funds cannot develope, test and introduce them in practice. European funds are still available. 18 grants for social innovations proves theat there is a need for such projects.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Caritas of the Przemyśl Archdiocese in partnership with Podkarpacki Entrepreneurship Academy