Framework Agreements with the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (Fund for Sustainable Growth
Published on 13 November 2019
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
When two or more institutions decide to cooperate in order to jointly finance a specific programme, could be treacherous for them to combine different kind of financing instruments and it could generate uncertainty for the final beneficiaries (different procedures, different timing, etc..). Framework agreements with the Ministry of Economic Development: under a specific agreement that identifies the programme to be financed, Tuscany Region contributes to integrate the National Fund for Sustainable Growth with regional resources in order to finance specific R&D projects fitting both with the priorities identified at national level and with the regional strategy and priorities (basic conditions are: both regional and national impact and considerable contribution in terms of growth and employment). According to the agreement, only one procedure for collection and evaluation of the proposals is identified and it is directly managed at national level. Innovation consists in integrating financing instruments and schemes, identifying not only common rules but also: a) the specific procedure for the management of the resources, b) one managing authority (according to the rules pre-identified and agreed).
Resources needed
Personnel assigned (1 manager, 3 officers – half time): approximately 30.000,00 euros per year.
Regional funds for cofinancing the agreements: 30 mln of euro (at 31/12/2023, ending date)
Regional funds for cofinancing the agreements: 30 mln of euro (at 31/12/2023, ending date)
Evidence of success
Foreseen R&D Investments in Tuscany Region for a total 185.000.000,00 euro.
Potential for learning or transfer
The scheme could be easly applied to other programmes (i.e. transnational, in order to overlap weaknesses of existing transnational financing schemes, as it happens in the case of ERANET).
Good practice owner
Tuscany Region
Project Manager