Food Vision 2030: Ireland’s integrated systems approach for a sustainable agri-food sector

About this good practice
The European Green Deal represents a fundamental shift in EU policy direction. In Ireland, Food Vision 2030 was developed to align with this new policy direction and to provide a basis for decision making at national and regional levels. The Strategy sets out a vision for a sustainable food system and agri-food sector that is profitable throughout (economic sustainability), has broad-based benefits for society (social sustainability), and has a positive or neutral impact on the natural environment (environmental sustainability).
The ‘food systems approach’ of the Strategy acknowledges the link between policies for food, climate, the environment, and health (human, animal and planetary), and focuses on the role each part of the food chain has in delivering the 2030 vision. These features of a ‘food systems approach’ are woven throughout the Strategy across four Missions.
-A climate smart, environmentally sustainable agri-food sector
-Viable and resilient primary producers with enhanced well-being
-Food which is safe, nutritious and appealing, trusted and valued at home and abroad
-An innovative, competitive and resilient agri-food sector, driven by technology and talent
The Strategy includes a Monitoring and Implementation Framework which highlights areas for collaboration and details oversight and monitoring mechanisms for implementation. It is accompanied by an implementation plan which details the actions and their owners, deliverables and a timeline for implementation.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
The Strategy was developed by a 32-member committee drawn from the Irish agri-food sector. The committee held 13 meetings and the strategy was published by the Irish government. The High-Level Implementation Committee (HLIC) includes senior officials from government departments and state agencies.
Evidence of success
Up to the end of 2022, six actions were completed with targets achieved, 64 actions were substantially completed, 142 actions had commenced and six actions had not yet commenced. The Food Vision 2030 HLIC met five times up to the end of 2022. The work of the Environmental Working Sub-Group is a standing item on the agenda and all minutes from the HLIC meetings are available on the Food Vision 2030 website. The Strategy includes alignment of the actions with the most relevant SDG 2030 targets.
Potential for learning or transfer
Each country has its own distinctive food system, based on its natural resource base, climate, production patterns, eating habits and history. Food Vision 2030 - as Ireland’s strategy to make it a world leader in sustainable food systems - plays an important role in communicating an Irish vision and commitments to key audiences, and to the major customers for Irish food and drink. It has been presented and discussed at major conferences and events, with a wide variety of groups and delegations, both in Ireland and internationally, including the UN Food Systems Summit 2021. As such, Food Vision 2030 and its 'food systems approach', has been used as the framework for Ireland’s international engagement on food systems, with potential for other regions to emulate this stakeholder-led approach, taking into account the specificities of their own food systems - the sustainability of which are crucial to the achievement of environmental and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets to 2030.
Further information
Food Vision 2030 - A World Leader in Sustainable Food Systems
Food Vision 2030.pdf
Food Vision 2030 - Executive Summary.pdf
Food Vision 2030 - Implementation Plan.pdf
Food Vision 2030 - Implementation Plan.pdf
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