
Food FABLAB - A Shared Productive Unit for AgriFood Sector
Published on 29 May 2020

Centro (PT)
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The FoodFablab is a service provided by TAGUSVALLEY wherein companies or individuals can test or manufacture food products. The main aspect that distinguishes FoodFabLab is that the industrial plant provided by Tagusvalley has an industrial license that allows companies to introduce the products manufactured in the FoofFabLab in the market. This service was created as a response to several inquiries from people that lost their jobs, during the economic crisis that hit Portugal between 2011 and 2015, and wanted to start their own food production projects. Meanwhile this concept has been developed and now includes not only the manufacture targeted for market entry but also for testing at pilot scale, supporting internal R&D processes of the users. This allows companies and individuals to significantly lower their initial investment and/or dedicate their plants exclusively to production as they don’t need to interrupt production for testing. As such, the FoodFabLab supports not only SME’s that are starting and testing ideas and concepts but also larger companies that need an industrial environment to test processes.
Expert opinion
The Food FABLAB is a shared innovation infrastructure that allows private companies to test, conduct internal R&D activities, licence, and manufacture food products. It is a service provided by TAGUSVALLEY, a science and technology park located in Centro region, Portugal. More than 25 companies have used the Food FABLAB, mainly to test food products. The good practice also illustrates an example of regional resilience and how a region has adapted its services to respond to a socio-economic crisis.
Some insights from the good practice:
-Such initiatives require continuous and long-term commitment with proper technical staff and maintenance. Moreover, the good practice emphasises on the importance of developing internal expertise on food legislation to comply with complex food regulations.
-The good practice highlights that this is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ policy. Indeed, such initiatives would most be suitable in regions with an important agri-food sector and where there is no competitive infrastructure for SMEs and start-ups to test, conduct internal R&D activities, licence, and manufacture food products.
Some insights from the good practice:
-Such initiatives require continuous and long-term commitment with proper technical staff and maintenance. Moreover, the good practice emphasises on the importance of developing internal expertise on food legislation to comply with complex food regulations.
-The good practice highlights that this is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ policy. Indeed, such initiatives would most be suitable in regions with an important agri-food sector and where there is no competitive infrastructure for SMEs and start-ups to test, conduct internal R&D activities, licence, and manufacture food products.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
The main resources need are the technical staff responsible for maintaining the space (2 persons) and funding for maintenance, cleaning, energy and water. The amount of funding needed depends on the duration of the project and of the type of process and equipment that is used.
Evidence of success
Since its origin FoodFabLab was utilized by 25 different entities, from startups to multinational companies. The majority of the users have performed tests in the course of R&D processes (approximately 75%) while the remaining users have utilized the service to manufacture for market entry, mainly startups in the second scenario.
Potential for learning or transfer
There are ongoing, early stage, processes of transfer of this concept in Portugal. In our perspective one of the most important aspects to consider in such a transfer is the adaptation to the reality of the industry on the target region. This adaptation should be regarded from, at least, two different perspectives: the kind of food products that are more representative of the region; the scale and technological level of the industry. Also, there are some challenges regarding with the way a concept like this may comply with the food production specific legislation and, in our perspective, it is of extreme importance that the regulatory institutions responsible for the monitoring and enforcement of such legislation are included since the design of the project to prevent non conformities further ahead.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
TagusValley - Parque Tecnológico do Vale do Tejo

Centro (PT)
Cluster Tec