
Eggshells as calcium additive
Published on 27 May 2019

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About this good practice
Frąckowiak ZPSiH s.j. company takes advantage of a chicken egg shell, previously treated as waste and not used in the production of food as a valuable pro-health component with a simultaneous beneficial effect on consumers' health. The calcium preparation from egg shells, along with other components, provides the developed supplement with a high bioavailability in the body.
Since many years the company Frąckowiak has been producing natural fermented fried cheese according to a local recipe of ripe cottage cheese, butter and salt. It is characterized by a tough texture and unique aroma and clean label. The company has repeatedly been a laureate of exhibitions and fairs. The range of fried cheese includes fried and semi-fat fried cheese with caraway, certified in the EU and BIO. Since 1992, the company has been expanding the range of products in line with consumer expectations. Currently, the desired innovation is scientifically developed fried cheese enriched with bioavailable calcium from a natural source - egg shells.
Therefore, the solution that forms part of the strategy of reducing food waste, developed by Frąckowiak Company is an innovative way of utilizing the eggshells by two ways:
- Implementation of a new product - fried cheese enriched with calcium to enhance the diet with bioavailable calcium from egg shells.
-The project also resulted in a natural, functional food additive that could enrich any type of food with bioavailable calcium extracted from egg shells.
Since many years the company Frąckowiak has been producing natural fermented fried cheese according to a local recipe of ripe cottage cheese, butter and salt. It is characterized by a tough texture and unique aroma and clean label. The company has repeatedly been a laureate of exhibitions and fairs. The range of fried cheese includes fried and semi-fat fried cheese with caraway, certified in the EU and BIO. Since 1992, the company has been expanding the range of products in line with consumer expectations. Currently, the desired innovation is scientifically developed fried cheese enriched with bioavailable calcium from a natural source - egg shells.
Therefore, the solution that forms part of the strategy of reducing food waste, developed by Frąckowiak Company is an innovative way of utilizing the eggshells by two ways:
- Implementation of a new product - fried cheese enriched with calcium to enhance the diet with bioavailable calcium from egg shells.
-The project also resulted in a natural, functional food additive that could enrich any type of food with bioavailable calcium extracted from egg shells.
Resources needed
R&D, capital, skilled staff
Evidence of success
Still a pilot in development
Potential for learning or transfer
There’s a potential for learning and transfer through a co-operation with the Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region. Though this eco-innovative practice is still in development, there’s an opportunity to develop food circular economy models and to develop resource-efficient technologies that reuse materials so avoid waste.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Frąckowiak ZPSiH s.j., University of Life Sciences in Poznan, Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region

Deputy manager