
Published on 22 July 2020

País Vasco
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
What problem does it address and in which context was the practice introduced?
It addresses the need for older people to participate in the policies and design of their care resources-services. It emerged as a CPMB initiative in 2013. The CPMB had a limited capacity and task forces were set up to provide executive content and with year-on-year work plans
How does the practice achieve its objectives and how is it implemented?
Regular work meetings are held and using an active participation methodology. There are also two coordination figures consisting of a person from the field of older persons and another from the professional sphere. The task force is mainly made up of older persons and professionals from their area of activity. The diversity and heterogeneity of participants given their professional and/or practice means they cover different situations of older people with an enriched input.
Who are the main stakeholders and beneficiaries of the practice?
Older people including families and society in general. The professionals of the sector are also beneficiaries
What is the target population/audience (age range, vulnerable groups...)?
Older people in a situation or at risk of dependency, users of the care and prevention services.
The target population is conditioned by the powers of the provincial entity in charge of it.
It addresses the need for older people to participate in the policies and design of their care resources-services. It emerged as a CPMB initiative in 2013. The CPMB had a limited capacity and task forces were set up to provide executive content and with year-on-year work plans
How does the practice achieve its objectives and how is it implemented?
Regular work meetings are held and using an active participation methodology. There are also two coordination figures consisting of a person from the field of older persons and another from the professional sphere. The task force is mainly made up of older persons and professionals from their area of activity. The diversity and heterogeneity of participants given their professional and/or practice means they cover different situations of older people with an enriched input.
Who are the main stakeholders and beneficiaries of the practice?
Older people including families and society in general. The professionals of the sector are also beneficiaries
What is the target population/audience (age range, vulnerable groups...)?
Older people in a situation or at risk of dependency, users of the care and prevention services.
The target population is conditioned by the powers of the provincial entity in charge of it.
Expert opinion
The good practice illustrates the importance of task force initiatives involving civil society stakeholders to reflect and contribute on care legislation, regulations, and projects for older residents. Task forces are stakeholder engagement initiatives that can strategically contribute on key policy topics such as active and healthy ageing. The good practice highlights the importance of using active participation methodology, coordination with a task force secretary, and frequent meetings to ensure that civil society stakeholders can effectively contribute to policy design. Moreover, task forces allow to empower civil society and facilitate the diffusion of institutional communications to civil society stakeholders.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
Task Force 2 is made up of 14 voluntary participants. External people are occasionally invited to attend the task force and there is a technical secretary supporting the 3 task forces.
Evidence of success
The incorporation of the view and needs of older people in the provincial legislation and care services:
- Empowering older people participating in the task force (and in institutional decision-making bodies)
- Streamlined simple language and improved communication in the legislative and administrative documents of social services, etc. for users.
- Inclusion of the suggestions, reports and proposals issued by the task force reflected in the provincial legislation created in that regard.
- Empowering older people participating in the task force (and in institutional decision-making bodies)
- Streamlined simple language and improved communication in the legislative and administrative documents of social services, etc. for users.
- Inclusion of the suggestions, reports and proposals issued by the task force reflected in the provincial legislation created in that regard.
Potential for learning or transfer
It is understood that it is a totally exportable practice in its concept. Its adaptability will depend more on aspects of willingness on the part of the different agents and their acceptance. For the group to function, it must have the will to do so and at the same time perceive the usefulness of its work, embodied in the receptivity of its proposals and consequent transmission, via adaptation of the regulations
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.

País Vasco
Project Manager