
Car-sharing in paid parking zones in Prague
Published on 06 March 2019

Czech Republic
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The City of Prague is struggling with a long-term shortage of parking spaces. The initiative to launch this project came from the Czech Carsharing Association, representing all 4 of the car-sharing operators in the Czech Republic at the time. For these companies, access to Prague was problematic because of regulated parking in the central areas of the city. The project’s promising potential to reduce the city’s car traffic has prompted the City of Prague to take it up. In Prague, car-sharing is now run by several private companies that are allowed, under certain conditions, to use the regulated parking spaces in the city.
Vehicles that are not currently booked (and not in use) are permitted unlimited parking (free of charge and for an unlimited period). Vehicles that are booked have to pay according to the regular visitor parking tariff.
From a technical perspective this means a sophisticated linking of the Central Information System (CIS) that manages the controlled parking in the city, and the car-sharing operators’ information systems, which send information about which vehicles are booked and which are not in real time via an application program interface (API). The parking verification proceeds via automated monitoring, deploying modified vehicles equipped with a camera/scanning system.
The main stakeholders of the project are the car-sharing providers who comply with the conditions laid down by the City, and the City, which funds and coordinates the cooperation.
Vehicles that are not currently booked (and not in use) are permitted unlimited parking (free of charge and for an unlimited period). Vehicles that are booked have to pay according to the regular visitor parking tariff.
From a technical perspective this means a sophisticated linking of the Central Information System (CIS) that manages the controlled parking in the city, and the car-sharing operators’ information systems, which send information about which vehicles are booked and which are not in real time via an application program interface (API). The parking verification proceeds via automated monitoring, deploying modified vehicles equipped with a camera/scanning system.
The main stakeholders of the project are the car-sharing providers who comply with the conditions laid down by the City, and the City, which funds and coordinates the cooperation.
Expert opinion
The Good Practice offers free parking spaces to vehicles from car-sharing services. In a bottom-up manner, the Czech Carsharing Association proposed this initiative to the Municipality. The City of Prague views car-sharing as an increasingly popular transportation option that can reduce the need for private car ownership, parking spaces, and air pollution. The public-private collaboration has led to the integration of the city's Central Information System (CIS) with the car-sharing operators’ information systems. This Good Practice provides an example of how public-private collaboration can lead to process innovation.
Suggestions for potential Good Practice transfer:
-The Good Practice can be replicated in any large European cities that possess the following 3 elements: (1) the city owns public parking spaces, (2) the city has a well-functioning Central Information System (CIS), and (3) there are multiple and competing car-sharing companies in the city.
Suggestions for potential Good Practice transfer:
-The Good Practice can be replicated in any large European cities that possess the following 3 elements: (1) the city owns public parking spaces, (2) the city has a well-functioning Central Information System (CIS), and (3) there are multiple and competing car-sharing companies in the city.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
The operation of car-sharing services works on a free-market basis, it has been necessary to cover only the provision of the CIS technical link to the tune of 100,000CZK. (Approx. 3,900EUR) Adjustments of booking systems of the respective car-sharing service providers were covered by providers.
Evidence of success
The ability to pick up and return vehicles in paid parking zones helps protect the environment by reducing emissions and reducing the need for extra parking spaces. One modern shared car in effective use can equate to as many as 10 private cars. Users who need a car only occasionally have at their disposal a diverse car-sharing fleet and can save a lot of trouble and money.
Potential for learning or transfer
Car-sharing is a modern approach to the use of vehicles that saves the need to own them. To some extent, the system saves parking spaces in the street network, as drivers share these vehicles with one another. In this respect, each vehicle spends more time in motion and in use by more drivers.
In practice, each registered car-sharing user can find and book a vehicle anywhere in Prague directly via via their provider’s application. In the course of the booking, once the vehicle is booked by the customer, it is no longer permitted to park in the paid parking zone free of charge. This facility is reactivated when the booking ends, and the vehicle reappears to other potential users on the map or application.
In practice, each registered car-sharing user can find and book a vehicle anywhere in Prague directly via via their provider’s application. In the course of the booking, once the vehicle is booked by the customer, it is no longer permitted to park in the paid parking zone free of charge. This facility is reactivated when the booking ends, and the vehicle reappears to other potential users on the map or application.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Prague City Hall, Transportation Development Department

Czech Republic
Transport Specialist