Call for Expression of Interest for Sustainable City Demonstrator (SCD)
About this good practice
The Call for Expression of Interest (CEI) is implemented in three phases. The 39 winning projects from the two phases illustrate the diversity of territories and urban contexts – metropolises, small towns, rural towns, peri-urban municipalities, priority neighborhoods of urban policy – and include both technological innovations and innovations in usage or processes, in buildings, public spaces, or networks.
The CEI "Sustainable City Demonstrators" aims to establish a national network of demonstrators at the scale of city blocks or neighborhoods, illustrating the diversity of ecological transition and sustainable development challenges in French urban spaces.
A sustainable city demonstrator is an integrated project with a high level of social and environmental ambition, implementing innovative solutions :
Led by a municipality and a consortium bringing together all stakeholders: industrial partners, associations, researchers, academics, etc.
As part of a transformation operation at the scale of a city block, group of city blocks, or neighborhood integrated into a development project.
Equipped with a replication strategy (to be developed during the incubation phase)
The incubation period of a maximum of 36 months, is financially and technically supported by the State.
The SCD program will allocate up to 10 million euros from the 4th Future Investment Program per demonstrator, including 500,000 euros for engineering during the incubation phase.
Resources needed
305 M€ of public funds for the National CEI
That includes for each project 500k€ for the incubation phase of 36 months + 9,5M€ for the development phase of the project up to 8,5 years.
Evidence of success
• 127 consortium applications (nationwide)
• 39 winners
• +500 partners
• 305 M€ public funds
Potential for learning or transfer
The basic idea behind the CEI SCD is a good example to trigger territories and local partners to ensure a clean and fair transition of cities with brownfields.