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LAST MILE recommendations for flexible transport systems

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The LAST MILE (‘Sustainable mobility for the last mile in tourism regions’) project has reached the end of its first phase and has drawn up action plans for its six regions, leading also to the creation of a final publication and recommendations for other regions looking to create flexible transport systems.

The LAST MILE project has spent the past three years exploring framework conditions and finding good practices related to flexible transport systems, particularly demand responsive transport solutions that can provide links for the ‘last mile’ of a journey, between transport hubs and tourist destinations.

The project has released a publication which sets out the main findings of the project’s first phase, including the aforementioned policy recommendations.

At the European level, the project partners emphasise that efforts need to be made to integrate flexible transport systems into guidelines for sustainable transport, such as Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), and that greater effort needs to be made to raise awareness of successful schemes. For national governments, the project recommends that clear definitions are drawn up of flexible transport systems, and that regulations be introduced to require public transport organisers to co-ordinate all modes of transport.

At the regional level, the project advocates regional mobility plans that do not focus on urban and built-up areas, but also connect these regions with remote and disadvantaged areas, and take account of the needs of the tourism industry. The partners also recommend integrated transport information platforms, and highlight that funding for flexible transport can be provided via regional operational programmes under the European Regional Development Fund. For local authorities, the project recommends training, meetings and study visits for promoting flexible transport to stakeholders, as well as ongoing monitoring of passenger transport needs.

For more information, please visit the LAST MILE website.

Image credit: Photo by Scott Webb from Pexels