Reuse and repair in the circular economy

This workshop has ended. You can watch the recording, access the presentations and discover the key learnings in this follow-up article.
On 26 January, from 14:00 to 16:30 CET, the Policy Learning Platform is organising an online workshop on reuse and repair in the circular economy.
Our thematic experts Astrid Severin and Magda Michalikova will moderate the event. We have invited experts from the field to share with you their good practices and experiences in facilitating greater re-use and repair.
Why you should join
Our online thematic workshop will put the focus on strategies and policies facilitating greater re-use and repair.
Furthermore, by attending our event you will learn about
- Strategies and activities that help European regions and municipalities to decrease waste generation and create local reuse and repair economy
- Good practices about reuse centres, repair workshops, management of surplus food, second-hand clothing shops and reusable packaging
- The use of economic incentives and legislative incentives, such as the Austrian repair bonus and reusable packaging targets
What you can expect
Keynote discussions on reuse and repair strategies
- Fred Dorsimont, Behaven (Belgium) on 'Behavioural change to drive reuse and repair'
- Edoardo Bodo, RREUSE (Belgium) on ‘How can local authorities create a repair economy’
Working Group I – Reuse
- Antonio Costa, City of Zaragoza (Spain) on ‘The clothing store “Latido Verde”’ (CECI)
- Daniel Tabone, Wasteserv Malta (Malta) on ‘Establishing new behaviours: network of reuse centres’ (COCOON)
- Benjamin Tyl, APESA (France) ‘Network of reusable packaging organisations in France’ (RETRACE)
- Fred Dorsimont, Behaven (Belgium) as discussant
Working group II - Repair
- Ariane Julien, Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d´Azur (France) on ‘Répar'acteurs: the network and brand of craftsmen who repair everyday objects’ (CECI)
- Ingrid Winter, Regional Government of Styria (Austria) on ‘Online Guide for Repair Shops’ (SUBTRACT)
- Peter Christensen, Municipality of Aarhus (Denmark) on ‘A Rolling Repair Van’ (2LIFES)
- Edoardo Bodo, RREUSE (Belgium) as discussant
Closing keynote session
- Ioannis Antonopoulos, European Commission (DG ENV) on ‘New reusable packaging targets and the review of the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive’