The Green Economy Observatory of Emilia-Romagna
About this good practice
The Observatory monitors the green economy on the regional territory.
The main activities of the Observatory are:
● the management of the Emilia-Romagna green companies database, by green sectors;
● the collection and analysis of best practices and case studies;
● the provision of thematic insights on the main supply chains and statistical analysis of the economic trends and comparison with the regional ones;
● information and communication activities and diffusion of the Green Economy in the Region.
Managed by the regional company ART-ER Attractiveness Research Territory, the Observatory works on the topics of green economy, circular economy, resource efficiency and sustainable production.
Being a member of EREK, a European Commission initiative for the exchange of experience and knowledge, the Observatory's activities play a role at regional level, in particular for the dissemination of the European Resource Efficiency Self-Assessment Tool for SMEs.
The Observatory participates in national working groups such as those of the Italian Platform for the Circular Economy (ICESP) coordinated by ENEA and the groups within the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASVIS).
At the regional level, the Observatory created a reference group focused on green economy composed of regional institutions, enterprise associations, research institutes and clusters.
Expert opinion
While broad EU frameworks and funding schemes are pushing to develop the green economy, more information about this sector is needed to promote a better understanding of the green economy, provide policymakers with quality data to develop this sector, and to put tools and information in the hands of SMEs to innovate and thrive in this sector. This good practice establishes a knowledge generating mechanism to collect information about green companies and disseminates this information about the green economy to the region. The data generated by this good practice can equip local SMEs with industry knowledge which they can use to improve their offerings and/or fuel innovation in their industry. For policymakers, this data can help inform policies, strategies, and regional sustainability goals. Beyond the Emilia-Romagna region, such a framework could be applied in regions throughout EU, thus making it a valuable learning tool for policymakers.
Resources needed
The initiative is financed by regional resources under the agreement between the regional authority and ART-ER.
Evidence of success
The Observatory prepares an annual report to give the picture of green companies in Emilia Romagna and their distribution by sector and by Province. The report contains the analysis of some economic variables, providing a picture of the performance of green companies and their resilience capacity. Lastly, the annual trends on green jobs are analyzed.
The Observatory furthermore provides focus on specific analysis at provincial level, requested by the public bodies (i.e. Chamber of Commerce).
Potential for learning or transfer
The Observatory is a regional tool to analyse the development of the green economy.
The team takes advantage from networking activities with relevant stakeholders to highlight potential barriers and identify possible solutions and strategies at regional level.
The analysis conducted by the Observatory on green companies in Emilia Romagna offers useful indications to the Region Administration to identify and define suitable financial instruments and planning instruments.
Further information
Good practice owner
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