Territoire BIO Engagé Label
Published on 25 July 2018
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
After the Grenelle Environment Forum, targets were set on a national level to develop the organic production and sales : 8,5 % of the cultivated area for organic agriculture and introduction of 20% of organic products in public catering. In order to reach those goals, INTERBIO Nouvelle-Aquitaine has created the Territoire Bio Engagé label (Commited organic territory) in 2010 in order to support, reward and promote the local authorities that reached at least one of the goals. A contact is set with the local authorities that reach at least one of the targets. If they are interested to receive the label, they should fill a form and sign a specific charter. Then a jury examines the applications and gives its agreement or not. When they are validated, the local authorities sign a convention and an official ceremony is organised to give them their prize. An important communication is done about this event in order to enlight the territory. A special logo is given as well as a communication toolkit that helps the authorities to promote their actions toward the development of organic food and farming. If local authorities do not reach the goals yet, INTERBIO Nouvelle-Aquitaine can help them to do so, especially for the introduction of organic products in the canteens. Therefore, they are encouraged to work with local organic SMES, especially producers, processors and retailers.
Resources needed
INTERBIO receive : National funds through the DRAAF Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Regional funds through the Regional Council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine .
3 people working for a total of 80 days/ year on main missions: prospection, animation of jury, renewal of application, organisation of award ceremonies.
3 people working for a total of 80 days/ year on main missions: prospection, animation of jury, renewal of application, organisation of award ceremonies.
Evidence of success
The number of local authorities labelled is increasing (74 authorities and 16 restaurants in 2016 VS 27 authorities and 4 restaurants in 2014). In Autumn 2017, a special event has been organised to celebrate the 100th territory labelled and many workshops were proposed, some in connection with other laws (phytosanitary products, water protection).
Potential for learning or transfer
This practise can be considered as interesting for other regions as it helps local authorities to communicate on their actions. Indeed, as INTERBIO Nouvelle-Aquitaine provides a toolkit, they are autonomous and can develop their actions. Also being part of a group of local authorities make them more involved in the procedure. The label can be used by another regional organisation (public or association) under certain conditions (already the case for the neighbour region, ex-Midi-Pyrénées).
Further information
Good practice owner