Support for implementing COVID-19 safety standards in the enterprises and events
About this good practice
"Savonlinna Live" task force in collaboration with regional health authority supported implementing COVID-19 safety standards in enterprises and events in the area of Savonlinna. An extensive information package for tourists and especially for enterprises operating in the Savonlinna area was collected. It included the current health safety recommendations and other useful COVID-19 related information. This information package was published on the Visit Savonlinna website, the online tourist information platform of the area. Visibility materials were also created for the free use of companies. As part of the provided support an online presentation about COVID-19 safety solutions was held by an expert speaker in Savonlinna Travel Forum in the spring 2021.
The purpose of the action was to help the entrepreneurs to keep up with the often-changing regulations and to help them to communicate their clients about the safety of their services. Thanks to the ready-made information materials the companies were able to focus their resources in other relevant actions. At the same time the safety of the whole area was emphasized in the destination marketing with slogan "You will find space and safe distance here".
The measure was executed in the framework of the project called “Savonlinna Live 2!”, which was funded from the European Social Fund (duration: 1/12/2020-30/09/2021).
Expert opinion
This is a good example of how special dedicated support was provided to tourism enterprises during the pandemic. As COVID regulations are often changing they require additional help so that they could communicate to their clients about the safety of their services. The materials produced by the “Savonlinna Live” task force and health authorities made it easier for companies to orientate in the information and to concentrate their own resources to other relevant activities.
This Good Practice should be read together with the weekly tourism programmes introduced in Savonlinna during the pandemic:
See also the Quick Advice support system set up in Moravian Silesian region (Czech Republic):
Resources needed
SMEs' own participation in training and implementing measured. In-kind contribution, not measured.
Key actors' own contribution for coordination and and implementation of measures. In-kind contribution, not measured.
Project funding 114 000, 80 % ESF.
Evidence of success
Significant number of SMEs participated. Successful implementation of the campaign through Visit Savonlinna and online marketing/social media. Innovation and renewal in sustainable health-conscious tourism. Accommodation sales increased in Savonlinna by 2 mEUR from previous year and the region saw a record increase in bednights as a result of "Savonlinna Live" campaigns (containing besides health recommendations, other promotional measures as well).
Potential for learning or transfer
The experience highlighted the benefit of developing responsive destination marketing while dealing with the health risks in a proactive way in collaboration with the regional health authority. Reponsibility and risk assesment safety can be positive elements of the destination image in the path toward sustainable tourism.
Further information
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