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About this good practice
Non-metropolitan small or medium-sized cities and surrounding areas are often left behind when it comes to innovation boosting initiatives and support that are focused in metropolises. As a result it is difficult for the smaller cities entrepreneurs to level up and stay tuned to the crossbar. As a non-metropolitan development centre, PPP-T S.A. is creating opportunities for development and incubation of innovative businesses in non-metropolitan cities.
By providing professional business training, mentoring and networking conditions for 25 carefully selected innovative business ideas. The acceleration program consists of the following elements:
1. Training in the areas of marketing, accounting, law, management, fundraising, sales and training in soft skills;
2. Business mentoring - each program participant can count on the support of a mentor - an experienced entrepreneur;
3. Networking meetings stimulating mutual support and business relations among participants;
4. Demo Day - where participants will be able to present their results and win one of the three cash prizes.
Stakeholders: Entrepreneurs from the Płock region, people planning to set up and run their own business, people with business ideas, those who care about the development of an already existing enterprise.
Editions: 1st edition – November 2019/September 2020, 2nd edition – November 2021/ongoing
Expert opinion
Resources needed
The financial resources are significant yet classified. The whole practise is coordinated and managed by a team of three people.
Evidence of success
1st edition results:
1. Percentage of business projects that completed the acceleration process – 100%;
2. Percentage of verified business models – 75%;
3. Percentage of business projects that significantly developed as a result of participation in the Program (e.g. developed a new product, service, new method of production / service provision) – 35%.
Potential for learning or transfer
In the case of regions with a similar structure and challenges - non-metropolitan areas - the Program has the potential to increase innovation and new technologies indicators. In particular, in the context of equalizing the region's development opportunities in relation to the growth centre, the implementation of incubation and start-up programs may have a positive impact not only on the number of accelerated entities, but above all on their potential, management of market niches, or the transfer of innovation from the development centre to the regional area.
Due to the concentration of acceleration programs in large cities (development centres) or at research and development centres of large companies and universities, the implementation of regional acceleration programs is a good practice supporting the development of sub regions, where there are disproportions in access to knowledge, development opportunities and science in relation to regions, e.g. capital cities.
Further information
Good practice owner
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