
Sloepennetwerk Zuid-Holland (uniformally marked waterways)
Published on 26 September 2018

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The Green Heart of Holland (Het Groene Hart) has a beautiful Green & Blue living environment, finemazed water network and diversity in recreational and cultural activities. But the waterways are not optimally used or connected. One specific problem to be tackled was the introduction of a broad, uniform network, specifically for navigating the waterways. Before different, fragmented marked networks existsted and they were not all connected to each other.
The Group Decision Room (GDR) meetings and follow-up meetings have led to the coordinated action planning for one region, including possible expansions; in short the project activities were:
- Defenition phase (possibilities, obstacles, management and maintenance issues, stakeholder management);
- Implementation phase
- Evaluation phase
The implementation phase concerns implementation on two stages:
- The implementation of facilities on a general level;
- The physical implementation of a similar structure, uniform signposting and so on.
Cooperation on the region level leads to:
- Specific opportunities in different regions to accentuate their specific qualities and icons;
- Commitment of specific entrepreneurs;
- Opportunities to cooperate for entrepreneurs;
-Knowledge of specific threats and opportunities.
Main beneficiaries and stakeholders:
- Municipalities, provinces, organisations;
- Users of the network;
- SME's providing services next to the network.
The Group Decision Room (GDR) meetings and follow-up meetings have led to the coordinated action planning for one region, including possible expansions; in short the project activities were:
- Defenition phase (possibilities, obstacles, management and maintenance issues, stakeholder management);
- Implementation phase
- Evaluation phase
The implementation phase concerns implementation on two stages:
- The implementation of facilities on a general level;
- The physical implementation of a similar structure, uniform signposting and so on.
Cooperation on the region level leads to:
- Specific opportunities in different regions to accentuate their specific qualities and icons;
- Commitment of specific entrepreneurs;
- Opportunities to cooperate for entrepreneurs;
-Knowledge of specific threats and opportunities.
Main beneficiaries and stakeholders:
- Municipalities, provinces, organisations;
- Users of the network;
- SME's providing services next to the network.
Expert opinion
The practice is an example of overcoming the problem with connectivity of waterways by creating a broad network for their navigation. It is a positive step towards strengthening people’s connection with nature and generating recreational and economic benefits for settlements along the waterways. The practice can serve as inspiration for other regions interested to boost the potential of similar natural assets.
Resources needed
€ 500.000,- thus far, ongoing.
Evidence of success
Over 400 kilometers of connected uniform waterways have been realized thus far (probably the largest connected network in Europe, see for an overview of the marked routes)
- Concept is simple;
- Clear benefits for users and suppliers (entrepreneurs);
- Improvement of connections between urban and rural areas).
- Concept is simple;
- Clear benefits for users and suppliers (entrepreneurs);
- Improvement of connections between urban and rural areas).
Potential for learning or transfer
The development of a uniform network is already being transferred beyond the Green Heart of Holland an can be transferred to all regions with a network of waterways that can be used recreationally.
- By the regional approach, the connection with points of interest is guaranteed: the networks success increases the experience of natural and cultural heritage in WAterway regions.
- By the regional approach, the connection with points of interest is guaranteed: the networks success increases the experience of natural and cultural heritage in WAterway regions.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Province of Zuid-Holland
