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S-ALERT Citizens
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About this good practice
The Covid19 pandemic posed new challenges to authorities and citizens. This was specially true with the most vulnerable population, the elderly ones and people of suffer from specific clinical situations. Apart all the restrictions and severity of the disease itself, Covid19 really did impact the mental well-being of citizens, specially the most vulnerable and those of already lived alone or with very limited mobility.
In order to make the whole process more efficient and reliable for the population and therefore decreasing response times, decreasing stress in the infected their respective contacts and what they should do.
The S-Alert platform was developed with the following goals:
Communicate in a easier way the changes in law and covid-19 measures;
Make more efficient the emission of all paperwork related to work absences and sick leaves;
Release admin and medical staff from these kind of duties to more urgent matters.
The platform works via web and SMS. As soon as a citizen tests positive, that contact is automatically registered and he received a link with the test result and what to do. This leads to a website in which he can fill all the data for sick leaves, report symptons and get the paperwork digitally processed. A security PIN sent by SMS guarantees the security during all the process. After 5 days reporting if he/she has symptons, the system automatically informs the citizen if he is considered recovered or if he should continue to isolate himself.
Resources needed
A server and token/SMS API emission are required and also integration of each national Covid19 testing reporting systems.
Total cost may vary according the size of target-population, server needs and work involved with integration but it’s estimated in between 20.000€-30.000€
Evidence of success
More than 105.000 contacts have been traced and more than 35.000 positive cases situations addressed. Given this spectrum, more than 220.000 SMS have been delivered with tokens.
This allowed that waiting times in hospital and health centres reduced dramatically.
It was also quite useful for home caregivers and people who really felt that going out was a risk due to their own illness, condition and age.
Potential for learning or transfer
This Good Practice might be interesting for partners as it shows that the deployment of tech solutions and platforms can be made successfully in short-time in order to address efficiency problems and without letting anyone left behind besides tech-usage.
This shows that ICT solutions can be applied freely to home caregivers and their relatives without restrictions and humans have the ability to quickly adapt when they really need.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.