Municipal GIS Platform & Municipal Public Building Database
About this good practice
The Lechner Knowledge Centre was selected by the government to work on a central platform service for smart cities, showcasing it in Monor. They weren’t responsible for every element of the project (which also included a mobile application and a city card) – their task was the development of web applications based on spatial data.
The Municipal GIS Platform (TTP) is an easy-to-access map application that can manage different levels of access and displays spatial data from central and local sources. Almost any data can be uploaded (public lighting, surveillance cameras, plants, etc.) – the challenge is in gathering the data sources, since most of the data are already available in some form in cities for operational and management purposes. The map is capable of showing 3D images in model-based or realistic view. The platform cannot provide internal calculations, such as operating budgets, but retrieving data is an option in the form of reports.
The Municipal Public Building Database (TKÉK) organizes the municipality-owned and -managed buildings into a transparent database which includes digital 3D models. The buildings can be broken down into their components (i.e. rooms) to which contracts (e.g. lease agreements), usage data (e.g. capacities detected by sensors), equipment and energy-use data (e.g. meter reading photos, bills) can be assigned. Reports can be exported as PDF and/or Excel documents which contain charts and diagrams in addition to raw data.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
The entire project in Monor was implemented from 2 billion HUF, but this includes the placement of smart devices/sensors and the 3D modelling of the buildings, too. The “simple” adaptation of the apps in Hungary can work with significantly less funding – around 10 million HUF.
Evidence of success
The application development was successfully implemented until 2021 in cooperation with central data service providers and the Municipality of Monor, ensuring the integration of the related systems. The project was originally created by the 252/2018. (XII. 17.) Government Decree which allows the possibility for other municipalities to use the platforms – their high quality ensures that this can become a reality soon.
Potential for learning or transfer
Real-time information at one place about as many different areas of municipality management as possible is important. The first few steps of implementing a system like this is the following:
1. Within the municipality, it is necessary to find out who are really interested and motivated to participate. Those involved should include (not just IT) professionals who will be able to help with the technical side of the implementation.
2. The municipality must discuss what centrally available data sources can be added to an integrated platform and which data layers can be of real (economic) benefit to the city.
3. It's a good idea to start small and try out some features through a demo interface – if this is successful, the city can look for more financial resources in the topic to continue the project.
Nyíregyháza is interested in joining the platform and already in talks with the good practice owner.
Further information
Good practice owner
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