Multidisciplinary associations as core players for Catalan S3 (Communities)
Published on 28 September 2018
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
RIS3CAT Communities are an essential and innovative element when combining both the necessity of the RIS3 implementation and the development of the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP). In order to achieve a real transformation of the economic sectors in Catalonia in terms of RIS3 and EDP, it is necessary to join efforts from many different stakeholders, usually with very different perspectives (and in the end they also become beneficiaries of the instrument): companies, business associations, cluster organisations, universities, research centres, technology centres, foundations and institutions linked to R&I, or the public as users, consumers and citizens.The Communities allow the alignment of those stakeholders and different interests through a bottom-up approach and a 2 stage competitive process:
• Grouping the stakeholders in associations with a minimum of 8 different members with a common economic sector or technological sphere and the obligation of launching cooperation projects under the excellence principle.
• Establishing common agendas for the R&I, public sector and production systems in those economic sectors with an operating Community, aligning resources and policies.
• Promoting mid and long-term R&I common programmes based on the feedback and results of the projects launched, integrating visions from different agents, with especial attention to the SMEs as innovation agents.
• Grouping the stakeholders in associations with a minimum of 8 different members with a common economic sector or technological sphere and the obligation of launching cooperation projects under the excellence principle.
• Establishing common agendas for the R&I, public sector and production systems in those economic sectors with an operating Community, aligning resources and policies.
• Promoting mid and long-term R&I common programmes based on the feedback and results of the projects launched, integrating visions from different agents, with especial attention to the SMEs as innovation agents.
Resources needed
The RIS3CAT Communities is implemented by ACCIÓ Agency with a total investment amount of 54M euros of ERDF funding and at least 10 people involved in different roles of analysis, support and evaluation for the Communities. Each Community has its own coordination team.
Evidence of success
There are 11 Communities already working with more than 63 projects launched and 407 beneficiaries. There is a large participation of SMEs and the involvement of the main technological and research centres and facilities in Catalonia. There are 44.1 M euros of ERDF funding mobilizing 116.7 M euros of induced investment in R+D+i for 407 beneficiaries. There are actions on 5 strategic sectors for the smart specialization of Catalonia and at least 4 KET involved.
Potential for learning or transfer
Communities is a good example of co-ordination of very different agents in 2 levels: specific projects and new common strategies and R+D+I agendas, including the public administration. This multilevel coordination creates long-lasting effects over the different economic sectors. It can be applied into any specific economic sector, since it will also provide spill-over effects over those other sectors linked as stakeholders to the one targeted.
The use of a "two-tier accreditation process" and a "specific working plan development" allows the identification first of viable associations and then of potentially successful projects. The process is relatively simple and can be adapted to any open call or any public instrument using partnerships in its core, in any EU funding instrument or any other policy instrument in the regional level.
The use of a "two-tier accreditation process" and a "specific working plan development" allows the identification first of viable associations and then of potentially successful projects. The process is relatively simple and can be adapted to any open call or any public instrument using partnerships in its core, in any EU funding instrument or any other policy instrument in the regional level.
Good practice owner
ACCIÓ (regional Agency for Business Competitiveness) – Government of Catalonia
Technical Assitance