
Monastery hotel The Sweet Mother
Published on 12 November 2020

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
- The reason for redevelopment of the monastery is linked to the increasing secularization. Since much of (former) religious buildings can be a burden on a city and space is limited within the urban environment, the municipality looked at the possibility to maintain the building, while repurposing it to current needs. By accommodating a hotel in the building, combined with a restaurant focussed on sustainable dishes, the monastery was reintegrated in the urban fabric and transformed a closed-off area of the neighbourhood to a social hub for locals and guests alike.
- The (former) closed-off environment of the monastery has been opened to the public, creating a pull-factor to its direct surroundings.
- Every year, 20 jobseekers - from 16 to 26 years old and in a difficult starting situation - are given the opportunity to discover and develop their talents. They will work in the hotel and will be given the opportunity to orientate themselves in various fields in the hotel industry. Under the guidance of socially involved professionals, they gain practical experience and professional skills and develop a professional attitude. The Soete Moeder team is designed to guide and instruct young people in three facets of the catering trade: cook, host / hostess and facility employee. The goal of the foundation is to ensure that the young people, at the end of the learning process, are ready to start, in a job or training.
- The (former) closed-off environment of the monastery has been opened to the public, creating a pull-factor to its direct surroundings.
- Every year, 20 jobseekers - from 16 to 26 years old and in a difficult starting situation - are given the opportunity to discover and develop their talents. They will work in the hotel and will be given the opportunity to orientate themselves in various fields in the hotel industry. Under the guidance of socially involved professionals, they gain practical experience and professional skills and develop a professional attitude. The Soete Moeder team is designed to guide and instruct young people in three facets of the catering trade: cook, host / hostess and facility employee. The goal of the foundation is to ensure that the young people, at the end of the learning process, are ready to start, in a job or training.
Expert opinion
This good practice is fully aligned with the Leeuwar Declaration on ‘Adaptive re-use of the built heritage: Preserving and enhancing the values of our built heritage for future generations’ (, which was adopted in 2018 on the occasion of the European Year for the Cultural Heritage. This good practice indeed describes how a religious building can generate economic and social benefits if a smart restoration is carried out with the purpose of allowing adaptive re-uses. In the case at hand, despite a slow start, the hotel opened in the former monastery has successfully managed to generate economic and social benefits. On the one hand, it contributes to meeting the increased hospitality demand in 's-Hertogenbosch, on the other, it also serves as a venue for training young people who acquire the necessary skills to find a job in the HORECA sector. Local and regional policymakers in Europe can get inspired by this highly replicable good practice to give a new life to religious buildings fallen into disuse.
Resources needed
The building cost has not been disclosed. The operation of the hotel is profitable. In 2019 about €200,00 profit was made, which flows back into the foundation.
Evidence of success
Adaptive (re)development of a former monastery, with a long-term economic viability as well as integrating (and opening) the religious heritage in both urban fabric and society itself (hospitality and educational functions).
Every year 20 jobseekers are guided and encouraged, to help them learn a profession and find a job.
Every year 20 jobseekers are guided and encouraged, to help them learn a profession and find a job.
Potential for learning or transfer
1. Repurposing religious heritage for hospitality purposes
2. Restoring built and landscape heritage values (such as the edible garden)
3. Opening a former closed-off area of the city for exploitation through (heritage) tourism
4. Using intangible heritage (the mission of the nuns) as part of the exploitation model (education for those with difficulties finding a job)
The project focusses on urban rejuvenation through repurposing a former religious building to fit the current needs for (increased) hospitality. By having both ownership and exploitation done by a private party, the financial risks are mitigated, while safeguarding the (visible) heritage values of the cityscape and reintegrating the building in the built environment. This type of redevelopment of oblique religious heritage can be exported, both locally and in the Netherlands, as well as worldwide. The only issue with transferring this aspect is the different ways religion and religious heritage is viewed elsewhere.
2. Restoring built and landscape heritage values (such as the edible garden)
3. Opening a former closed-off area of the city for exploitation through (heritage) tourism
4. Using intangible heritage (the mission of the nuns) as part of the exploitation model (education for those with difficulties finding a job)
The project focusses on urban rejuvenation through repurposing a former religious building to fit the current needs for (increased) hospitality. By having both ownership and exploitation done by a private party, the financial risks are mitigated, while safeguarding the (visible) heritage values of the cityscape and reintegrating the building in the built environment. This type of redevelopment of oblique religious heritage can be exported, both locally and in the Netherlands, as well as worldwide. The only issue with transferring this aspect is the different ways religion and religious heritage is viewed elsewhere.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch
