MetroDigital: ICT Cluster to support Digital Transformation and Local Development

About this good practice
In Italy, local governments aren’t taking full advantage of the opportunities offered by the digital transition (eg. ameliorating their services to communities and SMEs). On average, in less than 45% of cases, digitalisation leads to a revision of PA services’ processes in term of real efficiency and innovation. In the MCT, there is a disparity in terms of Internet access, particularly in the mountainous areas. Despite a positive trend in terms of access over the years, the increase is less significant in the case of interactions with the PA, where less than 30% of users (including SMEs) interact with local authorities via digital services.
MetroDigital is an initiative promoted by the MCT in collaboration with ANCI Piemonte, UNCEM Piemonte and the Piemonte Innova Foundation (which is the Regional ICT Cluster and the National Technology Cluster for Smart Communities). The main aim of the initiative is to measure the level of digital maturity of the territory through a meticulous assessment conducted by the Cluster.
The assessment made it possible to identify the main territorial needs in relation to the adequacy of infrastructure, security and services for users and SMEs; it also highlighted critical issues related to the digital divide.
The goal of MetroDigital is precisely to establish priorities for digital action and to help local authorities intercept and identify investments (including RRF funds) useful for local development and SMEs services.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
Around 30.000 €
Evidence of success
MetroDigital demonstrates the successful cooperation between the Metropolitan public authority and the Regional ICT Cluster. MCT and Piemonte Innova Foundation – of which MCT is a founding partner – identified actions to concretely support the technological innovation of local authorities, to the benefit of citizens and enterprises, by making rational and effective use of available resources (starting with RRF funds), to generate opportunities for the competitiveness of the whole territory.
Potential for learning or transfer
MetroDigital is highly transferable in other European regions, since its main successful factor has been the strict cooperation between the Regional ICT Cluster, the Metropolitan public authority and its municipalities for the pursuit of a widespread public interest.
The main result is the mapping of the state-of-the-art of digitalisation in the area selected (metropolitan), which will form the baseline and framework for future actions and initiatives to foster digital innovation and competitiveness in the area. It is also a key element for the impact evaluation of future policies and measures which will arise on the topic.
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