International Connecting Talent Internships
Published on 20 September 2018
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Fomento San Sebastian aims to connect to innovate through people by developing a model which identifies Connection as a critical element, connecting the world of education with the world of business innovation, and connecting this to Talent and new critical skills that are necessary to connect with other territories and organizations at global level. This programme favours international connections with strategic nodes, enabling brain circulation and improving connections with talent hubs and leading organizations worldwide in order to strengthen cooperation of stakeholders and cities. The INTERNATIONAL CONNECTING TALENT INTERNSHIPS Programme consists of grants addressed to young university graduates (under 30) that will enable them develop a six-month internship abroad at leading organizations, city or networks.
This programme promotes transnational mobility among young professionals to carry out the activities and projects related to their academic and professional profile in companies/organizations in foreign countries, with a practical, previously planned training programme.
1)promote economic and social cohesion through cooperation between different stakeholders and the generation of mutual benefit both for the organizations involved in the programme. 2)promote internationalization among young people and SMEs 3)reinforce the role of practical international learning as a generator of knowledge.
This programme promotes transnational mobility among young professionals to carry out the activities and projects related to their academic and professional profile in companies/organizations in foreign countries, with a practical, previously planned training programme.
1)promote economic and social cohesion through cooperation between different stakeholders and the generation of mutual benefit both for the organizations involved in the programme. 2)promote internationalization among young people and SMEs 3)reinforce the role of practical international learning as a generator of knowledge.
Resources needed
Total anual budget:650.000 euro/year for 60 grants. Per grant:
1400 euro/month (6months)
Social security(40 euro/month) and private medical insurance policy (400E uro/internship).
Intensive training course
HR:1000 euro/internship for management
1400 euro/month (6months)
Social security(40 euro/month) and private medical insurance policy (400E uro/internship).
Intensive training course
HR:1000 euro/internship for management
Evidence of success
- Almost 500 internships in 5 years. More than 35 countries participated.
- Around 60% of participants stay in their organizations/receive a job offer at the end of the programme.
- High satisfaction rate among the hosting organizations
- 95% of interns rate the programme as highly satisfactory
- Collaborative projects: Connection with Local and International projects
- Around 60% of participants stay in their organizations/receive a job offer at the end of the programme.
- High satisfaction rate among the hosting organizations
- 95% of interns rate the programme as highly satisfactory
- Collaborative projects: Connection with Local and International projects
Potential for learning or transfer
This programme is totally transferable at international level and it provides with an excellent opportunity for organizations to collaborate beyond their scope and for organizations to access to markets that are difficult to achieve in the first place.
It is essential to have a stable international network in order to guarantee the internships and the tutorship these hosting organization have towards the interns.
The management process of this programme is very demanding due to very diverse scenarios.
Follow-up and Mentorship during the stage is crucial point to guarantee the success.
It is essential to have a stable international network in order to guarantee the internships and the tutorship these hosting organization have towards the interns.
The management process of this programme is very demanding due to very diverse scenarios.
Follow-up and Mentorship during the stage is crucial point to guarantee the success.
Further information
Good practice owner
Fomento San Sebastian
País Vasco
Project Manager