Innovation and Reserach Center Tuttlingen (IFC) of the University of Furtwangen (HFU)

About this good practice
Entrepreneurship skills are often lacking at university with a focus on research, and thus Furtwangen University (HFU) supports its staff and students in developing and implementing their own business ideas through the IFC.
Core Activities
The goal of the IFC is to support the Region and the regional SMEs in the strengthening of research, development, innovation and entrepreneurialism:
• Joint projects with industry and contract research with SMEs
• Support and expansion of innovation and research activities in SMEs
• Advice and support in entrepreneurial activities
• Encouragement of cooperation between academia, associations, industry and politics
• Provision of professional development courses
• Provision of co-working spaces for creative minds
Added Value for Companies
• Research or development projects between University and companies
• More flexible access to existing infrastructure
• Proximity to University and therefore cooperation with students, staff and professors
• Use of continuing education activities of HFU Akademie
• Building of networks through events, trade fairs and exhibitions
• Interface to University on general topics of cooperation and joint ventures
Partners for Student Entrepreneurs
• Consulting and networking services
• Coaching
• Entrepreneurship know-how and skills transfer (teaching, lectures, information events)
• Direct interface with the University
• Offices and seminar rooms at reasonable rates
Expert opinion
Resources needed
The IFC is sponsored by various partners:
-- the EU provided €4.55m through ERDF funding via a state competition for regional development,
-- the state of Baden-Württemberg €1.82m
while €2.5m each was paid by the Town and County of Tuttlingen
for the erection of the building
Evidence of success
Starting 2018, IFC hosts 8 labs and workshops, a medical engineering cluster, 7 start-ups plus various projects with 15 HFU professors, 27 corporate partners (17 are SMEs) and 4 network partners. 35 companies are involved in different working groups at the Competence Center for Machining (KSF) located at the IFC. Moreover, more than 40 founders have been advised within the various projects and 4 teams receive micro-funding of €7,500 via Kick-Start@HFU, just to name a few of the activities.
Potential for learning or transfer
Since 2018, the structure and strategy of the Innovation and Research Centre Tuttlingen have been established, while focusing on connecting industry, organizations and science. Implemented projects, partnerships and further education formats enhance outcomes and increase activities of knowledge and technology transfer. The unique role of IFC as a platform between academia and industry established a profound network among complementary players. The direct link between the strong regional industry and latest scientific fields, results and experts fosters a positive future development. Additionally, students and employees with innovative Startup ideas change the regional mindset. Through the IFCs’ activities, players keep questioning existing structures, processes and solutions.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Hochschule Furtwangen University (HFU)