Industry 4.0 sample factory training and demonstration project for food industry companies

About this good practice
“Industry 4.0 Sample Factories” flagship project offers a free program providing key, hands-on experience and knowledge, to food processing micro & SMEs to learn about industry 4.0 technologies, their applicability. As a result, they increase their data and information management capabilities by developing/applying the innovative IT products and services, processing technologies.
Majority of food processing SMEs fall short in automatization and digitisation due to lack of professional knowledge, finance and insight into technological solutions. Having these at hand, they could ideally reduce company operating costs, increase their productivity, and minimize passive production times. Also, they may meet new/higher supplier ratings and as a consequence, enter new markets.
Implementation has four steps:
1.Registration and self-scanning of their IT, data and information management capacities, industry 4.0 readiness
2.Individual visits to relevant sample factories and technology centres, based on expert assistance
3.Local consultancy, production management, industry 4.0 and technology workshops
4.Elaboration of tailored SME focused industry 4.0 development plans
Indirect beneficiaries: the targeted food industry SMEs.
Stakeholders: regional clusters and county level directorates of the Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture
Consortium member: ICT Association of Hungary
Sub-contractor for delivering-operating the Technology Centre: Budapest University of Technology & Economics
Expert opinion
“Industry 4.0 Sample Factories” is a Hungarian project aimed to foster smart specialisation driven transition for micro and SMEs operating in the food sector. The project is rooted on data science research conducted at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and offers a training/ demonstration program for companies interested on the benefits of Industry 4.0 technologies.
Some insights from the good practice:
- The practice offers interesting insights in the process of technological innovation and digital transition of SMEs in the food sector. The adoption of innovative IT products and services can help companies increase their productivity, reducing operating costs, and minimising passive production times through automation and digitalisation.
Resources needed
The budget of the project is 2,35 billion HUF (6, 6 million EUR). Successful implementation required constant availability and commitment of project staff at participating beneficiary organisations and of sub-contractor. Project identification code is: GINOP – 1.1.3-16-2017-0001.
Evidence of success
The project supported smart specialisation driven transition of concerned food industry (and other) SMEs. Exploiting of data-information centred research based technological solutions (IoT, Big Data, Digital Twin, 3D printing-prototyping, Automated Guided Vehicle, etc.) enhanced their operation, increased effectiveness of production processes.
Facts-figures: 78 events, 1744 visitors, 1000 SMEs reached, 350 of them received knowledge transfer, 50 SMEs development plans.
Potential for learning or transfer
Industry 4.0 sample factory training and demonstration project is rooted in data and information science research conducted at Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Future engineers, professional organisations, even bigger size SMEs and large enterprises are very much interested in the topic, some of the latter even are looking for “I4.0-ready” suppliers. Last, but not least the project successfully identified that approximately 1/3 of SME development plans reflect the industry 4.0 mindset.
As regards the above, and based on the popularity of this kind of training-demonstration projects, the transfer is advised towards such European regions, where:
- data and information driven industrial production is a development priority,
- the regional economy is significantly export driven,
- the presence of state of the art university research background, ICT solutions providers, and strong state initiatives all support the expansion of industry 4.0.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
IFKA Public Benefit Non-profit Limited Company for the Development of the Industry