In Out : Testing and learning about DIGITAL MOBILITY SOLUTIONS In Rennes
Published on 14 May 2018

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About this good practice
During 5 days, Rennes was turned into a playground for digital innovation in the transportation sector.
An [IN]door event targeted at the Business sector took the form of keynotes, workshops and conferences aimed at professionals, companies, start-ups and institutional clients.
The [OUT]door section saw the city of Rennes become a testing-field for users to carry out full-scale trials of their solutions. This intended to foster companies to accelerate and ease the transition from the prototype stage to the distribution stage for their innovations.
Modern expanding cities need to breathe and make life easier for their inhabitants. The solutions coming from more digital, innovative ways, of moving and transporting citizens needs to be confronted and to their future users. The In Out event in Rennes allowed this exchange and feedbacks from the citizens directly.
One of the issues is societal: how to change our behavior? How are we going to get there? At the core: thinking less as individual, especially in our modes of transport, and more particularly to ensure the last kilometers. The emphasis must also be moved toward those who live in the periphery and feel forgotten about transportation.
An [IN]door event targeted at the Business sector took the form of keynotes, workshops and conferences aimed at professionals, companies, start-ups and institutional clients.
The [OUT]door section saw the city of Rennes become a testing-field for users to carry out full-scale trials of their solutions. This intended to foster companies to accelerate and ease the transition from the prototype stage to the distribution stage for their innovations.
Modern expanding cities need to breathe and make life easier for their inhabitants. The solutions coming from more digital, innovative ways, of moving and transporting citizens needs to be confronted and to their future users. The In Out event in Rennes allowed this exchange and feedbacks from the citizens directly.
One of the issues is societal: how to change our behavior? How are we going to get there? At the core: thinking less as individual, especially in our modes of transport, and more particularly to ensure the last kilometers. The emphasis must also be moved toward those who live in the periphery and feel forgotten about transportation.
Resources needed
Financial cooperation from both private and public organisation to support the event.
Fees of entrance from professionals, companies, start-ups and institutional clients to participate in the "In" part of the event.
Fees of entrance from professionals, companies, start-ups and institutional clients to participate in the "In" part of the event.
Evidence of success
The event managed to gather 20000 participants over 5 days with at heart, the idea to make the inhabitants of Rennes active in the future of their mobility around the area.
The city was turn into a experimentation playground.
The city was turn into a experimentation playground.
Potential for learning or transfer
Public transportation and mobility are matters directly related to the population of cities. Involving the citizens and exchanging with them upon those challenges is a major issue for any growing city and /or metropolis.
This international event was more than merely a conference or exhibition: it was set as a unique location (an incubator on a human-scale) where new mobility was being invented [IN]doors and tested [OUT]doors, with users, in real time.
It was a unique co-creation platform which gave industrial partners, start-ups and other new mobility players the opportunity to invent new mobility services and to experiment with and test new usages and new economic models, in close proximity to each and every citizen.
This international event was more than merely a conference or exhibition: it was set as a unique location (an incubator on a human-scale) where new mobility was being invented [IN]doors and tested [OUT]doors, with users, in real time.
It was a unique co-creation platform which gave industrial partners, start-ups and other new mobility players the opportunity to invent new mobility services and to experiment with and test new usages and new economic models, in close proximity to each and every citizen.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Rennes Métropole and Région Bretagne

Atlantic Strategy & Macroregion