Grants for working capital for micro and small enterprises

About this good practice
Grants could be awarded to entrepreneurs for projects supporting the maintenance of economic activity who, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, were in a difficult situation on the day of granting the aid (within the meaning of Article 2 (18) of the EC Regulation No 651/2014) or in a situation of a sudden shortage ie they recorded a turnover decrease of not less than 50%. This decrease may only be shown from the next month after February 1, 2020. i.e. from March 2020. compared to the previous calendar month or the corresponding calendar month of the previous year.
Entrepreneurs who were in a difficult situation before 1 January 2020, or found themselves in a difficult situation after that date for reasons other than the COVID-19 pandemic, were excluded from the possibility of granting aid. The call for applications for aid in the form of grants was conducted via the gov.pl platform, using a trusted profile (ePUAP). The amount earmarked for support in the form of grants was EUR 8 590 839.56 (PLN 39,425,606.54), including for economic activities in the tourism and tourism-related industries - 2 577 251.91 EUR (PLN 11,827,681.96); and for business activities in other industries - 6 013 587.86 EUR (PLN 27,597,924.58).
The main beneficiaries were Micro and Small entrepreneurs from the Podkarpackie Region, who were in a difficult situation because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Expert opinion
The practice belongs to s series of measures implemented to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on entrepreneurs. It illustrates how regional authorities can react quickly to a crisis and implement large scale measures supporting the local economy. This includes also practical aspects such as the digital processing of large number of applications.
Further good practices as well as access to the tailored support from the policy learning platform thematic experts is available at COVID-19 page of Interreg Europe’s website: https://www.interregeurope.eu/covid-19/
Resources needed
Many entrepreneurs are facing really difficult problems because of the pandemic. The most needed resources, for now, finance that will allow running similar projects. The pandemic isn't over yet, what causes that such help will be necessary for the nearest future.
Evidence of success
The interest in this form of support was huge. The amount allocated to aid for the tourism industry was used within 11 minutes, and only 2 minutes were needed to use the funds for other industries. As part of the call, over 13 thousand applications from entrepreneurs were submitted, and 1002 of them were selected for support. 264 of these chosen ones were submitted by entrepreneurs of the tourism industry.
Potential for learning or transfer
Pandemic situation caused that many entrepreneurs from Podkarpackie Region, met really difficult problems with their company's capital. This project is a really great tool that was used to help them to keep their sustainability. The date of submission of the grant application was the date and time specified as the "delivery date" visible on the UPP (Official Submission Certification) document, generated by the ePUAP system after the letter has been correctly sent.
Easy application to be completed by the entrepreneur, no detailed settlement of the project - a lump sum calculated depending on the number of employees, the order of applications as an element of choice.
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Rzeszow Regional Development Agency