FrostBit Software Lab
About this good practice
FrostBit Lab operates under the Digital Solutions competence group and the ICT engineering education at the Lapland University of Applied Sciences (Lapland UAS). The FrostBit lab was established in 1999 as the first Finnish virtual reality programming laboratory funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The systematic development has led to a modern and advanced learning environment with up-to-date technological know-how. The FrostBit plays a pivotal role in ICT engineering education as an R&D and learning environment where students can collaborate with the staff, study, and have hands-on experience in ICT engineering. The primary R&D focus of FrostBit is on entertaining & educational games, simulations, extended reality, web & mobile computing, and complex data systems.
FrostBit is leading and co-running different EU-funded projects with regional industries and local authorities. Key application areas and sectors are Rural Industries & Forestry, Mining Industry, Built Environment, Tourism, Healthcare and Mobility & Transport. FrostBit provides services for companies and organisations looking for a partner in R&D in product development and testing.
The FrostBit is one of the core labs in the Arctic Development Environment Cluster Through the cluster, the services are available to companies and researchers on a one-stop-shop basis. That enables access to in-house expertise from other fields and teams in the cluster.
Resources needed
The resources are highly dependent on the project volume. Currently in 2022 FrostBit hosts 40-45 experts with mostly backgrounds in engineering and arts. The practice needs team leading resources and physical space for students. Computing power and computer investments are required.
Evidence of success
Over the years, the FrostBit Software Lab has grown into one of Finland's most advanced learning environments. With over 20 ongoing hands-on joint projects, FrosBit has become a significant breeding ground to improve I4.0 know-how among the industries and other regional actors. In addition to that, FrostBit is a partner in several international collaboration projects.
The updated portfolio can be accessed at
Potential for learning or transfer
FrostBit Software Lab is a good case of the
• real-life learning environment enabling quadruple helix stakeholders’ participation
• a systematic and strategic approach to operate as a frontrunner in digitalisation
• TRL evaluation to support customers’ technological maturity development
• testing and simulation environment for the industry to learn new applications