Cork City Public Participation Network (PPN)
Published on 16 April 2018
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Problem addressed: A perceived weakness in citizen engagement, participative democracy and engagement with local government. Ireland has one of the lowest rates of elected representation per head of capita in the EU, and there is a very low level of voter turnout in local elections. Non-nationals are also not afforded the right to vote in national election and referenda.
The impetus for PPN came from a discussion, by Social Justice Ireland, the Department for Housing, Planning Communities and Local Government, around the need to address these short comings.
How objectives are reached: PPN is a network of community, voluntary, social inclusion and environmental groups active across Cork City. Membership of the network is open and free of charge. The PPN is structured into 3 sectors, when a group/organisations joins the PPN, it is asked to self-select into one of: Community & Voluntary, Social Inclusion or Environment sectors.
The role of Cork City PPN is to:
• provide a mechanism for the Council to consult with the public on new plans, strategies, policies, services and other community supports
• act as a platform for groups/organisations to discuss, advocate and contribute positively on issues of common interest
• facilitate the representation of the public on Council committees (i.e.: Strategic Policy and Joint Policing Committees)
• provide networking opportunities and act as a hub around which ideas are shared
The impetus for PPN came from a discussion, by Social Justice Ireland, the Department for Housing, Planning Communities and Local Government, around the need to address these short comings.
How objectives are reached: PPN is a network of community, voluntary, social inclusion and environmental groups active across Cork City. Membership of the network is open and free of charge. The PPN is structured into 3 sectors, when a group/organisations joins the PPN, it is asked to self-select into one of: Community & Voluntary, Social Inclusion or Environment sectors.
The role of Cork City PPN is to:
• provide a mechanism for the Council to consult with the public on new plans, strategies, policies, services and other community supports
• act as a platform for groups/organisations to discuss, advocate and contribute positively on issues of common interest
• facilitate the representation of the public on Council committees (i.e.: Strategic Policy and Joint Policing Committees)
• provide networking opportunities and act as a hub around which ideas are shared
Resources needed
National guidance on PPNs stipulates that Local Authorities must fund the PPN with €30,000 per year at least. Once this is secured, the Department for Rural and Community Development will fund an additional €50,000. Local authorities are encourgaed to further fund the PPNs when the needs arises.
Evidence of success
In 2017 the PPN:
• employed a full time coordinator.
• was invited to meet the Lord Mayor, the Chief Executive and Senior Management Team of the City Council and all directors of service.
• representatives were asked to sit on the Steering group of the Cork Healthy City and Cork Community Health Network.
• Membership increased from 90 organisations to 124
• The profile of the network and the voice of the third sector in decision-making is gradually amplified.
• employed a full time coordinator.
• was invited to meet the Lord Mayor, the Chief Executive and Senior Management Team of the City Council and all directors of service.
• representatives were asked to sit on the Steering group of the Cork Healthy City and Cork Community Health Network.
• Membership increased from 90 organisations to 124
• The profile of the network and the voice of the third sector in decision-making is gradually amplified.
Potential for learning or transfer
The structure for Public Participation Nertworks has only been in place in Ireland since 2014 and 2015, and Cork City PPN is relatively recenbtly operation. However, PPN has taken great strides in its relatively short life span. PPN has significant opportunities for learning as the organisation provides a conduit for public involvement on: plans, services, policies; participation on Council Committees; and a forum for sharing of information and ideas pertanant to the economic growth, environmental and social inclusion of Cork City.
The structure and how PPN difuses its inputs across various council sub-committes is a valuable learning transfer opportunity for other regions across Europe. PPN’s is allocated 1 seat on most of the sub-committees of the Council. It is through Linkage Groups that the PPN nominates its representatives onto these sub-committees. In turn, these representatives keep Linkage Groups members up-to-date with developments on the sub-committees.
The structure and how PPN difuses its inputs across various council sub-committes is a valuable learning transfer opportunity for other regions across Europe. PPN’s is allocated 1 seat on most of the sub-committees of the Council. It is through Linkage Groups that the PPN nominates its representatives onto these sub-committees. In turn, these representatives keep Linkage Groups members up-to-date with developments on the sub-committees.
Further information
Good practice owner
Cork City Public Participation Network (PPN)
Senior Lecturer