Active Ageing Strategy
Published on 16 January 2020
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The Active Ageing Strategy was proposed by Slovenian Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. It addresses the challenge of rapid ageing of the population which requires an adaptation of existing systems and arrangements and creating possibilities and opportunities for quality living for all generations, and for dignified ageing. To achieve that, adjustments in many areas will be required. The Strategy represents the substantive framework for the implementation of the necessary change.
The Strategy provides guidelines that are divided into four pillars:
i) Employment (e.g., adjustments on the labour market);
ii) Independent, healthy and safe living for all generations (e.g., access to healthcare and long-term care services);
iii) Participation in society (e.g., use of ICT in communication…);
iv) Environment enabling an active life throughout the life course (e.g., adjustments to the economy).
In line with the guidelines, competent ministries are preparing action plans with concrete proposals for solutions to achieve set goals. Action plans are coordinated by the responsible ministry, however various stakeholders are actively involved in their preparation.
Main stakeholders and beneficiaries: representatives of all generations (with an emphasis on older adults), government and ministries, employers, life-long learning organisations, non-governmental organisations working in healthcare & long-term care, healthcare and social care providers.
The Strategy provides guidelines that are divided into four pillars:
i) Employment (e.g., adjustments on the labour market);
ii) Independent, healthy and safe living for all generations (e.g., access to healthcare and long-term care services);
iii) Participation in society (e.g., use of ICT in communication…);
iv) Environment enabling an active life throughout the life course (e.g., adjustments to the economy).
In line with the guidelines, competent ministries are preparing action plans with concrete proposals for solutions to achieve set goals. Action plans are coordinated by the responsible ministry, however various stakeholders are actively involved in their preparation.
Main stakeholders and beneficiaries: representatives of all generations (with an emphasis on older adults), government and ministries, employers, life-long learning organisations, non-governmental organisations working in healthcare & long-term care, healthcare and social care providers.
Resources needed
The Strategy was prepared within the regular work of the responsible bodies and no additional costs were incurred. However additional funding will be required for implementation of the action plans, which have to be confirmed by the government first, therefore the costs estimate is not yet possible.
Evidence of success
The vision of the Strategy is that society and systems will ensure everyone’s wellbeing and quality of life in the changed demographic structure. Given the fact that changed age structures require the adjustment of the entire society, a permanent system of informing the stakeholders will be set up. An important result is that the Strategy was widely adopted by different stakeholders in Slovenia. Additional tangible results should be available when action plans will be implemented and monitored.
Potential for learning or transfer
The practice has the biggest potential for learning and transfer for regions similar to Slovenia, where rapid population ageing has not been comprehensively addressed yet.
The document includes starting points for development, key highlights of the new paradigm, the vision and objectives, and proposals for guidelines. The strategy is in line with international documents and initiatives responding to demographic change which Slovenia has joined, key among them the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, which serves as the fundamental United Nations document dealing with this topic. Underpinning the Active Ageing Strategy is the concept of active ageing, which emphasises activity and creativity in all periods of life, concern for health, and intergenerational cooperation and solidarity. This will provide for the population’s well-being and quality of life.. The guidelines also take into consideration that human rights apply equally to all, regardless of age.
The document includes starting points for development, key highlights of the new paradigm, the vision and objectives, and proposals for guidelines. The strategy is in line with international documents and initiatives responding to demographic change which Slovenia has joined, key among them the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, which serves as the fundamental United Nations document dealing with this topic. Underpinning the Active Ageing Strategy is the concept of active ageing, which emphasises activity and creativity in all periods of life, concern for health, and intergenerational cooperation and solidarity. This will provide for the population’s well-being and quality of life.. The guidelines also take into consideration that human rights apply equally to all, regardless of age.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Zahodna Slovenija