About the project
Cultural heritage of rural areas is a very important element that build local communities. In Lublin Metropolitan Area we associate 4 urban, 3 urban-rural and 15 rural municipalities. Culture is an important element of LMA Integrated Strategy.
We need to show the cultural heritage of rural areas, which is also a background for city residents. Each commune in LMA has rich cultural resources: cultural and memory places, local traditions and cultural events. It is possible to use a culture for a sustainable development of rural communes, which allow for increase in employment and promotion of region. We want to make a project of two phases: first - plan and second - implement. Thats why we want to create a:
- Diagnosis of cultural heritage potential in Lublin Metropolitan Area
- trail of "Lublin villages"
- season events that promote culture of rural areas.
Project idea owner
Partners we are looking for
We are looking for a lead partner, interest in culture.
We also looking for Partners which want work about: rural areas, cultural heritage and events, cultural trials etc.
We are interested in cooperation with: public bodies, cities and metropolitan areas, non-profit organisations and associations.