Visit Zuid-Limburg Experiences
About this good practice
The South Limburg cities of Sittard, Valkenburg and Heerlen each have a Visit South Limburg Experience. At these places, visitors not only receive tourist information, but can also engage with the unique characteristics (DNA) of the region through interactive digital experiences. This increased engagement is likely to lead to higher visitor satisfaction and repeat visits, contributing positively to the local tourism economy.
Examples include a digital graffiti wall on which visitors can create their own 'tag', a VR film, a quiz game and information about cultural history via touch screens, a walking wheel in which they can digitally walk part of a walking route, etc. An experience that makes you want to learn and discover more about the location or region.
The primary stakeholders include Visit Zuid-Limburg, local municipalities, and tourism operators in the region. The beneficiaries are both visitors and residents: guests often express surprise and excitement about the interactive activities, while local residents rediscover their own municipality and become better ambassadors for the area.
This initiative demonstrates a successful public-private partnership between Visit Zuid-Limburg and the municipalities. By providing engaging, technology-driven experiences, the program not only promotes tourism but also stimulates economic growth in the region.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
• All costs for the digital attractions and refurbishment were between € 150,000 and € 200,000 per experience in South-Limburg. Costs were largely paid by municipalities and by Visit Zuid-Limburg.
• per experience a team of 4-5 people created the concept in agreement with numerous stakeholders.
Evidence of success
• Thanks to the infotainment, guests stay longer in situ and learn more about the municipality and region. As a result, guests outside the region are more likely to come back again.
• Residents rediscover their own municipality and region, making them even better ambassadors.
• Due to the covid-19 period and the fact that all experiences has been realised between 2021 and 2023, growth is difficult to indicate. In 2022, there were 102.530 visitors, and in 2023 this increased with 42% to 145.320.
Potential for learning or transfer
• A standard tourist physical information point is more or less redundant due to the use of smartphones. By inviting them to participate in interactive infotainment activities, they learn about the area and are inspired to explore several aspects of the area further.
• They ask the staff about local tips they couldn’t find online.
• It is important that the concept and interpretation of the experience is accepted by everyone. Brainstorming sessions and feedback with the right stakeholders (residents) are therefore a must. Support is a long process.
• Implementation costs money. Funds need to be convinced to contribute. This can be done by involving them very closely in the development process.
• Experience is an ongoing development because of new digital techniques. Funding must therefore also be found for this. Continuation through investment.
Further information
Good practice owner
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