
The use of natural heritage for cultural tourism in the Pons Danubii area
Published on 27 June 2018

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Problems before implementation:
The borders between Hungary and Slovakia were strictly closed during communism until 1989. The joining of Hungary & Slovakia to the Schengen area provided further stimulus to the development of cultural routes and festivals along the river Danube & Váh and the lakes around Tata in Hungary.
The series of festival was created with the cooperation of municipalities, regional self-governments and NGOs active in organising festivals and presenting the wine regions.
Project objectives & purposes:
- Using natural heritage for the development of cultural tourism
- Connecting human & financial resources of several municipalities in order to enhance the level of services at cultural events
- Connecting people, municipalities and NGOs acroos the border
Project beneficiaries:
- local inhabitants
- tourists visiting the region
- tourists using the Eurovelo 6 international bike path
Project activities:
- Tatai Patara, Turkish age historic festival
An exciting time travel to the 16th century is offered, which evokes the life & historical events of Tata in Turkish times.
- Wild Goose Festival
During the autumn-winter period, visitors of Lake Öreg in Tata can witness the fascinating phenomenon of the bird migration.
- Hídverő Napok, Cross-Border Festival
This tourism, cultural, wine & gastronomic event of the association of 18 municipalities along the Danube aims to strengthen the cooperation of the regions.
The borders between Hungary and Slovakia were strictly closed during communism until 1989. The joining of Hungary & Slovakia to the Schengen area provided further stimulus to the development of cultural routes and festivals along the river Danube & Váh and the lakes around Tata in Hungary.
The series of festival was created with the cooperation of municipalities, regional self-governments and NGOs active in organising festivals and presenting the wine regions.
Project objectives & purposes:
- Using natural heritage for the development of cultural tourism
- Connecting human & financial resources of several municipalities in order to enhance the level of services at cultural events
- Connecting people, municipalities and NGOs acroos the border
Project beneficiaries:
- local inhabitants
- tourists visiting the region
- tourists using the Eurovelo 6 international bike path
Project activities:
- Tatai Patara, Turkish age historic festival
An exciting time travel to the 16th century is offered, which evokes the life & historical events of Tata in Turkish times.
- Wild Goose Festival
During the autumn-winter period, visitors of Lake Öreg in Tata can witness the fascinating phenomenon of the bird migration.
- Hídverő Napok, Cross-Border Festival
This tourism, cultural, wine & gastronomic event of the association of 18 municipalities along the Danube aims to strengthen the cooperation of the regions.
Expert opinion
The practice is a positive example of cooperation between municipalities, NGOs and citizens in promoting natural heritage and cultural tourism in a cross-border area by organising series of annual festivals with specific thematic scope. An important characteristic of the initiative is the novel approach in presenting heritage, history and local culture. The practice proved to be successful and demonstrated positive results regarding the number of tourists which is increasing, as well as green jobs created. Thus, it can provide helpful insight and inspiration to other border regions on how to promote and valorise their natural and cultural heritage.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
Total budget: entire budget of festivals: 300 000 EUR
Management: There are four local level and one regional level TDM organisations responsible for the organisation of events together with the Municipalities and NGOs.
Management: There are four local level and one regional level TDM organisations responsible for the organisation of events together with the Municipalities and NGOs.
Evidence of success
Monitoring and evaluation system: 4 local level & 1 regional level TDM organisations in Komárom-Esztergom County.
Evaluation results: Exponentially increasing number of visitors.
Success factors:
- Tourism information system developments;
- Audio guide on 19 routes in 4 languages;
- Thematic walking paths;
- Renovation of Gerecse hiking trail;
- 5 educational paths with interactive boards in Gerecse Nature Park;
- Duna-Gerecse tourist card system;
- Purchase of event infrastructure.
Evaluation results: Exponentially increasing number of visitors.
Success factors:
- Tourism information system developments;
- Audio guide on 19 routes in 4 languages;
- Thematic walking paths;
- Renovation of Gerecse hiking trail;
- 5 educational paths with interactive boards in Gerecse Nature Park;
- Duna-Gerecse tourist card system;
- Purchase of event infrastructure.
Potential for learning or transfer
Innovative elements and novel approaches :
- Innovative use of history, natural heritage and culture.
- The cooperation of municipalities and NGOs could be broadened to other regions in Europe.
It can be used as a good practice because:
- The exponential increase in the visitors numbers provides a solid foundation for the financial sustainability of the events;
- It creates green jobs in the region.
- Innovative use of history, natural heritage and culture.
- The cooperation of municipalities and NGOs could be broadened to other regions in Europe.
It can be used as a good practice because:
- The exponential increase in the visitors numbers provides a solid foundation for the financial sustainability of the events;
- It creates green jobs in the region.
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Municipality of Tata

Pons Danubii EGTC