
The Treasury of Međimurje
Published on 04 December 2020

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The aim of this project was to establish a strong basis for further tourism and economic development of Međimurje County, located in the north-west corner of Croatia, bordering with Slovenia and Hungary. The project involves reconstruction of fortification of the Old Town of Čakovec – the capital of the County, to house a Museum of Intangible Heritage as an integrated cultural and visitor package, with the purpose to attract locals as well as domestic and foreign tourists.
Fortification of the Old Town of Čakovec – protected cultural property of national significance – is one of the last preserved moat fortifications in this part of Europe. Therefore, its architectural, historical and cultural values make it attractive visitor attractions beyond the regional boundaries and its reconstructions are of crucial importance for tourism, and thus, economic development of the entire County of Međimurje.
The project Reconstruction and revitalisation of Fortification of the Old Town of Čakovec aims is, as its title suggests, to restore the old fortification and, furthermore, construct a replica of an 18th century of Baroque building that stood there, to house a Museum of Intangible Heritage, giving the entire complex a new use. The Museum will interpret the extremely valuable and attractive stories from the wealth of intangible cultural heritage of the region including:
• Linguistic heritage and local dialects
• Musical heritage of the region (popular at the world music scene)
Fortification of the Old Town of Čakovec – protected cultural property of national significance – is one of the last preserved moat fortifications in this part of Europe. Therefore, its architectural, historical and cultural values make it attractive visitor attractions beyond the regional boundaries and its reconstructions are of crucial importance for tourism, and thus, economic development of the entire County of Međimurje.
The project Reconstruction and revitalisation of Fortification of the Old Town of Čakovec aims is, as its title suggests, to restore the old fortification and, furthermore, construct a replica of an 18th century of Baroque building that stood there, to house a Museum of Intangible Heritage, giving the entire complex a new use. The Museum will interpret the extremely valuable and attractive stories from the wealth of intangible cultural heritage of the region including:
• Linguistic heritage and local dialects
• Musical heritage of the region (popular at the world music scene)
Resources needed
The total cost of the project is around 5.5 mil. EUR, from which 85%, 4.5 mil EUR is financed from EU funds.
Evidence of success
• The project will ensure 15 full-time jobs, and 30 indirect job openings.
• The number of visitors is expected to be high, because the Museum of Intangible Heritage will be partnered with the newly opened Eco Museum, so collaboration will ensure visitors to both facilities (possibility of buying tickets at the lower price if visiting both museums)
• The number of visitors is expected to be high, because the Museum of Intangible Heritage will be partnered with the newly opened Eco Museum, so collaboration will ensure visitors to both facilities (possibility of buying tickets at the lower price if visiting both museums)
Potential for learning or transfer
• Museum will preserve local intangible culture (songs, stories, traditional customs, and history)
• The reconstruction of the fortification in the Old Town changes the outlook of the City of Čakovec on the tourist map
• Collaboration of the Museum of Treasury and Eco Museum ensures greater number of visitors than it was until now
• Preparation of project documentation and stakeholder cooperation
• The reconstruction of the fortification in the Old Town changes the outlook of the City of Čakovec on the tourist map
• Collaboration of the Museum of Treasury and Eco Museum ensures greater number of visitors than it was until now
• Preparation of project documentation and stakeholder cooperation
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds of the Republic of Croatia

Research Associate