Teaching and Learning Factory at PBN
About this good practice
In 2021, PBN purchased a smart production line, so-called teaching and learning factory (TLF), which is a miniaturized Industry 4.0 factory. It was purchased from the IMPROVE! project through a public procurement process in the framework of the Interreg AT-HU programme. The project was financed with CBC Interreg Funds and with a state contribution from Hungary, and it is directly linked to the Best-DIH project Policy instrument which is the Sustainable Urban Development Strategy. The GP could be defined as a pilot project to support the local initiative which consists of several small projects to reach the result.
With this solution, PBN can provide greater added value to SMEs, startups, and other business specialists while implementing digitalization trainings. The participants are not only introduced to a particular technology, but they can also see how these tools and solutions can be integrated into the system and linked to the overall production process. Moreover, the TLF gives the opportunity to design, develop, and test successfully working solutions for the industry.
The TLF simulates a highly automated smart factory, including Industry 4.0 technologies, advanced manufacturing concepts and the reality of the connected enterprise. It is a sub-system of a 15-module system with 5 modules. Each module could work in manual mode or in integrated mode.
Beneficiaries & stakeholders:
Pannon Business Network Association
SMC Hungary Kft.
SME-s, midcaps, startups
Expert opinion
Resources needed
Equipment (5 module): 108.000 EUR
Evidence of success
This GP has a positive effect at local level. PBN became an accredited training center of SMC Hungary Kft, which is the manufacturer of automatic control equipment, such as the mentioned modular system. Moreover, SMEs, startups, large companies, experts arrive in our city (e.g. Manufacturing Festival) to be trained on digital transformation, Industry 4.0. technologies). Since 2022, over 40 training sessions have been delivered to more than 250 participants.
Potential for learning or transfer
TLFs can play a key role in enhancing the skills and employability of the local workforce. By providing hands-on training and education in relevant industries, TLFs can help individuals gain the qualifications and experience needed for in-demand jobs, which can ultimately reduce unemployment and underemployment rates in the region.
The TLF gives the opportunity to design, develop, and test successfully working solutions for the industry. The covered topics, like data science, autonomous robotics and 3Dprinting are integrated, enabling companies to provide internationally competitive research and training infrastructure. Based on PBN’s experience a similar TLF might be purchased in another region, and we can share our lessons learned and experience starting from the procurement procedure, through the realisation of the implementation up to the technical developments and extension of the TLF.
Further information
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