Sustainable Housing Centre

About this good practice
The city of Lille has inherited from its industrial past many small industrial houses from the 19th centurty, houses stocks from the 1930's and 1950's, more or less modest and condominiums. At the same time, the strong tension in the Lille market is accentuating the trend towards deterioration of the customer base. 31% of private households are affected by energy poverty, of which 70% are tenants. And on a metropolitan scale, about 10% of housing is potentially unsanitary.
The "Maison de l'Habitat Durable (MHD)" (Sustainable Housing Centre) answers the needs to centralise technical, legal and financial services that canhelp owners or tenants to obtain information, and to be supported in complex and costly renovation journey, depending on their situation and financing capacity.
The "MHD", at the initiative of the city of Lille, is a one-stop shop that brings together all the possible mechanisms for technical and financial support for residents to renovate their homes on a long-term basis, and to live better and save money.
The proposed activities are grouped into 3 areas:
- Axis 1: "the renovation of your home"
- Axis 2: "daily actions that will allow you to save money in your home"
- Axis 3: "the functioning of the co-ownership and its renovation"
The main beneficiaries are modest and very modest co-owners, landlords, tenants in the private park, and co-owners.
Expert opinion
The Sustainable Housing Centre of Lille can be classified as One-Stop-Shop and it has already been features in a recent webinar of the Policy Learning Platform on support structure for private housing energy renovations (https://www.interregeurope.eu/policylearning/news/6397/webinar-one-stop-shops-for-energetic-refurbishment-of-private-buildings/?no_cache=1&cHash=ea8bbb1c549ddaefda98b35e1f434acf ).
The service offer has replaced previously fragmented support services offered to home owners interested in energetic renovation: since 2013 it offers all these services out of one hand, making the journey of the user much easier. Especially interesting is the support with accessing subsidies; the service even helps users fill in the paperwork.
Resources needed
Construction and development of services: 4.2M€.
Funding: 2.35M€ from the Living Green project Interreg IVB, the Metropolis, the Region, the North Council, the State Energy Agency and EDF.
Operating costs mainly provided by the Metropolis and the City: 450k€ p/ year incl 200k€ for human resources
Evidence of success
- 70 000 inhabitants have contacted the MHD since it opened.
The main requests concern technical information, financial information and possible bonuses and workshops activities.
- More than 7 000 files managed
- More than 8 000 appointments made
- In 5 years, 604 bonuses for sustainable renovation and 168 facade bonuses have been given, for a budget of 4,041,123 euros, generating works worth a total of 27,054,100€
- From 2014 to 2017, 3 511 households/housing units have been supported
Potential for learning or transfer
This practice is interesting for other regions as it is not uncommon to encounter difficulties for individuals in understanding what local authorities are setting up for the renovation of private housing, a subject as sensitive as it is varied, depending on the types of habitats and living standards.
Creating a physical place that can bring together all the actions implemented by local authorities, and the possibilities of financing renovation works, all explained by staff with whom it is possible to make an appointment is relevant and simplifies citizens' access to an important public service.
In Katowice, Poland, the Municipal Energy Centre being created is based on this good practice. Initially designed to be located inside the Katowice City Hall as another service, it will finally take shape in a dedicated physical location, which will allow better visibility among citizens and will thus be more accessible [dedicated good practice to come on this website].
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
City of Lille