Standardization and Simplification in Multi-Apartment Building Modernization

About this good practice
When planning the Multi-Apartment Building Modernization Renovation (MABR) programme, one of the immediate challenges was to standardize and simplify the documents and whole processes to enable a smooth and understandable implementation of financial instruments. The Lithuanian government decided to simplify the process for final beneficiaries by imposing some legal changes: 50% +1 of apartment owners (absolute majority) needed to agree to join the program. Joint liability for the building modernization investments. Other financial institutions introduced process simplification measures: central public procurement organization introduced simplified and shorter procedures for building modernization procurement. Housing energy efficiency agency created simplified application forms and reduced administration extent to minimum necessary. Special standardized templates prepared for public procurement, including standardized construction agreement. Improved and standardized documents for energy efficiency certification were prepared.
Expert opinion
Administrative burden is a key barrier to building renovation, and this practice shows how time invested in simplifying this process can be an effective and cost efficient way to boost the renovation rate. Other regions may be inspired to assess their own procedures and see where implementation can be streamlined.
Resources needed
Buildings affected:
- buildings renovated (as of 9 September 2016) – 848
- estimated surface (m2) affected - ~ 1.5 million
Indicators above are related to other practices as well, specific allocation to this GP is not possible.
Evidence of success
Performance indicators linked to the practice:
Estimated number of households with improved energy labeling: 37.000
Estimated number of households with improved energy consumption classification: 37.000
Estimated number of households engaged in support programmes: 120.000
Estimated annual energy savings in all households (kWh): 272.000.
Potential for learning or transfer
Introduced measures could help to decrease administration workload, legal uncertainty and trust in the program (financial intermediaries and investors now trust in the program and are willing to participate with own funds).
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Housing energy efficiency agency