Setup of a Network for the Digital Transition of Enterprises in Emilia-Romagna
About this good practice
77 entities support, at different levels, the processes of technological transfer and digital transformation of Emilia-Romagna SMEs, among which 40 DIHs. This means:-A vast number of subjects supporting the SMEs but with different specializations and competences levels;-Remarkable difference in the number, of the supporting activities to the SMEs;-Lack of comparable data on the digital maturity level of the SMEs of the Region, since many subjects developed their own assessment tool.The Regional Network for the Digital Transition of Emilia-Romagna enterprises was created to support Emilia-Romagna SMEs through actions undertaken by nationally and regionally accredited entities. To join the Network, the applicants are required yearly to:-Support SMEs in assessing their digital maturity and share the obtained data with the Region-Provide training and guidance on Industry 4.0 technologies to the SMEs-Disseminate information on digital innovation opportunities-Participate in regional innovation events or workshops The Network membership is a necessary condition to apply to the regional calls for funding linked to the support of digital transition. Such requirements allow the Region:-To monitor the subjects and their activities-To improve the number and quality of activities supporting the members to act as a network, enhancing the different specialization of the economic sector, technologies and territory-To have good quality data on SMEs to orient the policy making.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
A first call for funding was launched in March 2024, the resources available to finance projects submitted under this call for proposals amount to a total of 1,5 Mio €.
Evidence of success
47 subjects joined the Network from July 2022 to July 2024, of which 22 DIHs, 16 Technical Assistance centers and 9 Centers for Technological Innovation;- The survey launched by the Region to the Network was answered by 41 members, providing with information on the supporting activities they offer to the SMEs;- In one year 1.270 DMAs assessments were fulfilled by the Emilia-Romagna SMEs with the support of the Network members, giving the Region a better picture on their digital maturity.
Potential for learning or transfer
This action is always replicable when there are several entities involved in supporting the digital transition of SMEs in a region/territory and the political authority wishes to improve its actions in support of SMEs by leveraging on these entities.
In order to animate the Network engaging activities must be carried out and properly funded.
An online platform would allow an easy and fast collection of the data shared by the Network.
Further information
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