Replacing of cooling-heating systems at Iasi Municipality during Covid Pandemic

About this good practice
Taking into consideration the limited presence of the public officers and citizens during pandemic to its own premises, Iasi Municipality engaged significant works of rehabilitation and managed to change all the individual obsolete AC units with a centralized system of heating/cooling, more efficient and less consuming, digitalized, easy to be programmed accordingly to working hours and outside temperatures. The new system include 2 main outdoor units (heating/cooling power of 73kw), 33 split units and 41 internal units covering all the halls/rooms in the Municipal main premises. The control of functioning hours is centralized and monitored, reducing losses outside working hours; By setting recommended maximal/minimal temperatures for all the beneficiaries it was reduced also the consumption and better balanced the function of the electric network. The installation of the new system was completed with reparation and insulation works that prevent heating loss during very cold winters we have in that region.
Expert opinion
Heating and cooling are amongst the most intensive energy applications, and highly reliant at present on fossil fuels. An approach such as this, using a centralised system which can be programmed, can help to reduce emissions by controlling temperature range for an entire building. This limits the human factor, making mistakes less likely, such as leaving heating on overnight. Accompanying such improvements also with insulation and other efficiency improvements can also be encouraged.
Resources needed
The complete installation (system and installations) was around 115.000Euro. The works have ben awarded through a public tender and took 6 months due to Covid restrictions and limitations
Evidence of success
After first year of of use, a reduction of energy consumption of at least 18.8% was calculated for the entire building.
Potential for learning or transfer
High potential of transfer - all public buildings can implement such a system to control and reduce consumptions
Further information
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