Queue Management System

About this good practice
The City of Edinburgh introduced a fully automated queue management system on the A90 approach, over 50km, to the city from the Forth Road Bridge, to give buses priority but at minimal delay to other traffic. Temporary signals are employed at two locations, activated by traffic density to stop all traffic, and buses are diverted to the head of the queue.
This is a route which is subject to significant congestion, particularly during the morning peak, approaching the city. The automatic system essentially manages developing queues by creating two reservoirs for general traffic and allowing buses to overtake the queues thus reducing bus journey times but with minimal delays to general traffic as a result.
Expert opinion
This innovative good practice is of great interest for congested road management in favour of public transport.
Highly transferable, this modern approach to traffic management uses real-time data and reacts different depending on the actual traffic situation.
Concrete and tangible time savings for buses resulted from the new scheme, allowing to nicely compare cost and benefit.
Resources needed
Ā£2million in 2000.
The cost of the A90 system was minimised, where possible, by using existing on and off slip roads to provide effective bus lanes, to allow the bus to reach the front of the queue.
Evidence of success
ļ· Average 13 min saving for buses in peak time;
ļ· Minimal to no delay for general traffic;
ļ· Lower emissions from smoother traffic flow;
ļ· Improved safety from lower speed limit and traffic control at slip roads;
ļ· Encourages modal shift from car to bus.
Potential for learning or transfer
The A90 Queue Management System is a localised facility but is entirely transferrable for use in any heavily congested route, in any network, anywhere. Using the A90 as an example, buses are given a very visible advantage in terms of journey time to the city whilst delays to general traffic are slight.
Good practice owner
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