
PUNTO IMPRESA DIGITALE – Digital Business Points (PIDs)
Published on 22 January 2021

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
Digital Business Points are service structures located at the Chambers of Commerce throughout Italy to spread out the culture and practice of digitalization in the MPMI (Micro Small Medium Enterprises) of all economic sectors. The network of 'physical' points is joined by a 'virtual' network through the use and wide range of digital tools: specialized sites, forums and communities, use of social media.
The following services are provided to regional entrepreneurs:
• self-assessment of the digitalization level;
• mapping of the digital maturity of companies and assistance in starting digitization processes through assessment and mentoring services;
• training, information and mentoring services in the field of business digitalization;
• provision of financial support through digitalization vouchers.
The following services are provided to regional entrepreneurs:
• self-assessment of the digitalization level;
• mapping of the digital maturity of companies and assistance in starting digitization processes through assessment and mentoring services;
• training, information and mentoring services in the field of business digitalization;
• provision of financial support through digitalization vouchers.
Expert opinion
Digital Hubs or Digital Business Points provide a useful counterpart to the Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs). While DIHs usually focus on technologies and innovation, Digital Hubs have a broader target group and aim at increasing the overall digital maturity of the economical fabric in a given area. They contribute significantly to raise awareness on the potential offered by digital technologies in any business are and aim a trigger transformation processes through the provision of trainings, vouchers, etc.
Th example from Basilicata illustrates the importance of mapping closely the territory with a suitable offer.
Th example from Basilicata illustrates the importance of mapping closely the territory with a suitable offer.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
Budget 2020: € 373.982,85 (Internal cost €18.130,18; external cost €198.780,00; voucher €157.072,67)
Experts Staff: 5 Digital Promoters, 3 Coordinators, 1 leader.
Financed by Chamber of Commerce of Basilicata
Experts Staff: 5 Digital Promoters, 3 Coordinators, 1 leader.
Financed by Chamber of Commerce of Basilicata
Evidence of success
- over 600 entrepreneurs have benefited from the services of the PID at regional level;
- over 350 have attended courses & information events;
- 280 companies measured their digital maturity with the SELFI self-assessment test 4.0;
- ~50 entrepreneurs carried out an in-depth assessment conducted by the Digital Promoters within the network;
- over 80 companies have had access to almost €600.000,00 through the vouchers by PIDs to purchase consulting & training services 4.0.
- over 350 have attended courses & information events;
- 280 companies measured their digital maturity with the SELFI self-assessment test 4.0;
- ~50 entrepreneurs carried out an in-depth assessment conducted by the Digital Promoters within the network;
- over 80 companies have had access to almost €600.000,00 through the vouchers by PIDs to purchase consulting & training services 4.0.
Potential for learning or transfer
PIDs can be considered as a tool for companies to increase the 'active' awareness on the possible solutions offered by digitalization and its benefits as well as on the risks associated with its non-use of digital tools and solutions.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Camera di Commercio della Basilicata (Chamber of Commerce)

Project Manager