Public Sector Monitoring & Reporting Programme

About this good practice
SEAI developed and manage the online monitoring & reporting (M&R) system which collects energy and other data from all public bodies in Ireland on behalf of the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment (DCCAE). Public bodies and schools are required to report annually.
There are two key concepts applied:
• Application of an activity metric so that fluctuations in activity level that impact on energy consumption are taken into account
• Tracking energy performance and energy efficiency against a baseline so that annual improvements can be assessed against the public sector’s target of 33% energy efficiency improvement by 2020
Metered electricity and natural gas consumption data is supplied directly to the M&R system by the meter operators and additional information is input by the nominated person in each public body and school. SEAI aim to ensure that the data provided is accurate and verifiable. Annual data verification assessment (DVA) is a key element in SEAI’s approach for maintaining data quality. It involves SEAI-appointed assessors undertaking reviews of certain elements of the data submitted on the M&R system.
SEAI produce a scorecard and analysis of each public body’s performance including graphs, data and benchmarking against other public bodies. The system enables each public body to identify the gap to the 33% target and to design strategic interventions in energy efficiency to have the most significant impact in closing the gap.
Expert opinion
Monitoring energy efficiency improvements is essential for meeting regional targets, as it enables us to understand the impact of interventions and see when strategies amendments are required. This approach taken by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland can be highly recommended, as the centralised tool adoption (adapted from a commercially available tool) means that all public bodies are reporting the same data, which can all be compiled effectively.
Resources needed
The system is based on Ultan Technologies’ SensorCIS software, significantly modified for SEAI’s purposes. SEAI pay an annual licence fee and additional charges for ongoing system support and development work. SEAI also provides a Helpdesk function to assist software users to complete their reports.
Evidence of success
The 2017 cycle, 94% of public bodies and 62% of schools completed their online reports, representing 96% of public sector energy consumption. Annual primary energy savings of 3,223 GWh were achieved, amounting to a 24% energy efficiency improvement. Cumulative savings since baseline were > €1 billion on energy spend and 3.56m tonnes of avoided CO2 emissions.
Efficiency gains have been achieved through the implementation of thousands of diverse projects and behavioural change in organisations.
Potential for learning or transfer
This good practice has the capacity for transfer to other regions and countries and could be customised or altered, as required. This good practice was shared with all the project partners in EMPOWER and 2 partners invited SEAI to participate in their import workshops and confirmed that this good practice has influenced their policy improvement for the EMPOWER project.
The Energy Efficiency Directive and associated 2030 EU targets will see a greater focus on the public sector achieving energy efficiency improvement targets. The Irish case study serves as an example of an approach to establish energy efficiency targets, and as both a methodology and system for tracking progress against such targets. It can be applied regionally or nationally.
SEAI welcome engaging with those managing similar approaches, methodologies or systems for tracking public sector energy performance.
The M&R system is complimented by a wider programme to support public bodies achieve their targets.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland