New funding scheme for everyday cycling infrastructure
Published on 27 November 2019

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
In the past there was only a funding scheme for infrastructure related to tourism cycling. Everyday cycling was not in the focus of the responsible stakeholders. When starting the elaboration of the new masterplan for cycling for the region, it was decided that there should be a stronger focus on everyday cycling + the necessary supporting mechanism including a new funding scheme dedicated to cycling infrastructure meant to improve the conditions for everyday cyclists.
The new funding scheme is supporting the municipalities willing to invest in everyday cycling infrastructure by providing regional co-financing up to 60% of the eligible costs. The subsidies are directly linked to projects aiming at the realisation of the everyday cycling network which has been defined together with the municipalities concerned. The scheme foresees 60% co-financing for the main everyday cycling routes, 50% for projects on the general everyday cycling routes and 50% for projects improving the access to main public transport hubs in the region. The funding scheme is referring to infrastructure standards that have been developed along with the new masterplan cycling.
Funding management is in the hands of the regional cycling coordinator. Together with the experts from the regional administration (transport planning department, building department and the tourism department) she is supporting the municipalities willing to implement projects for the promotion of everyday cycling.
The new funding scheme is supporting the municipalities willing to invest in everyday cycling infrastructure by providing regional co-financing up to 60% of the eligible costs. The subsidies are directly linked to projects aiming at the realisation of the everyday cycling network which has been defined together with the municipalities concerned. The scheme foresees 60% co-financing for the main everyday cycling routes, 50% for projects on the general everyday cycling routes and 50% for projects improving the access to main public transport hubs in the region. The funding scheme is referring to infrastructure standards that have been developed along with the new masterplan cycling.
Funding management is in the hands of the regional cycling coordinator. Together with the experts from the regional administration (transport planning department, building department and the tourism department) she is supporting the municipalities willing to implement projects for the promotion of everyday cycling.
Expert opinion
Provision of bike paths can promote cycling in a region by improving the safety of cyclists, but municipalities often require guidance and support in developing a cycling network. This is particularly the case for more rural and sparsely populated municipalities, given that cycling infrastructure is typically seen as essential for only cities or touristic areas. This practice for the development of cycling infrastructure, co-funded between regional and municipal budgets, demonstrates how it can be done in the framework of a regional cycling master plan, giving focus to inhabitants, and not only tourists.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
Amounts dedicated in the regional budget on yearly basis. Sufficient human resources to promote the opportunity and motivate the municipalities. For quick development the funding budget should be at least 5 to 10 ā¬/inhabitant and year (eg Amsterdam has more than 30ā¬/inh).
Evidence of success
For the fist time the region is providing funds for the promotion of everyday cycling. This is a big step forward for a region which is mainly known for tourism cycling. There are currently intensive consultations between municipalities. The first submission is expected in the first half of 2019. The overall goal of the cyling Masterplan in Burgenland is to double the share of cyclists until 2030.
Potential for learning or transfer
In many regions, the promotion of cycling starts with improving the conditions for cycling tourism. This is due to the benefits the regions are expecting from more and more cycling tourists visiting the region, spending their money and with that generating incomes also or especially in rural municipalities.
Observing Burgenland region in taking the first steps from a tourism cycling region to a region that is recognizing the importance of everyday cycling has been interesting for all participating regions of the CycleWalk project ā especially Sardinia was mentioning that Burgenland is a good practice example for their own region.
Observing Burgenland region in taking the first steps from a tourism cycling region to a region that is recognizing the importance of everyday cycling has been interesting for all participating regions of the CycleWalk project ā especially Sardinia was mentioning that Burgenland is a good practice example for their own region.
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Burgenland Regional Management (RMB)

Head of Mobility Center Burgenland