About this good practice
To promote and achieve sustainability in companies as a factor of competitiveness, the Government of Navarra has developed its own management system to incorporate Social Responsibility into business strategy and daily management of the company.
The initiative provides a management system and technical and economic resources. This allows companies to reflect, define and implement an action plan into their business management on a permanent basis and with the advice of an expert.
What is provided:
a. Initial planning (Preliminary assessment and Action plan)
b. Implementation of Action plan
c. Improvement Process Cycles (sustainability reports)
2. ACCREDITED CONSULTING STAFF: provides technical support to companies
3. ECONOMIC AID for the implementation
4. RECOGNITION of the companies that join the system.
For companies, the process contributes to making a difference with respect to competitors, a better relationship with stakeholders (including employees), an open and inspiring vision of the company and an opportunity to improve in management. It enables a stronger link between the company and the community in which it operates.
Key factors:
• Integrated in the company's policies and management
• Voluntary (beyond legal compliance)
• Taking into account the opinions and expectations of stakeholders (customers, suppliers, shareholders, employees, society…)
• Verifiable and communicable
• 3 dimensions of sustainability (economic, social, environmental)
Expert opinion
Resources needed
120,000 € per year in grants and subsidies to implement the methodology.
Organization of one-day training session every year for new consultants to be accredited.
Dedication for the management (promotion, development, control etc.).
Adaptation of the methodology to changes in regulation.
Evidence of success
Main results:
• 15 years of implementation
• 473 companies participating, mostly SMEs
• 135 sustainability reports
• 80 accredited consultants
• Tested methodology
A survey in 2023 demonstrated satisfaction among companies:
- Rating of 4.9/5 for the support of consultants
- Rating of 4.5/5 for the methodology as a practical solution to introduce CSR
Innovarse has impact in gender equality too. Companies participating in this program decide to develop an equality plan.
Potential for learning or transfer
Promoting SR in SMEs is interesting for:
- SMEs that adopt SR practices can enhance their reputation, leading to stronger brand loyalty and customer trust. This reputation contributes to a competitive advantage over competitors; to being more attractive in recruiting and retaining talent; SMEs improve access to new markets where consumers and regulators prioritise sustainability; and they facilitate access to finance as investors take CSR into account when making investment decisions.
- Sustainable practices, such as reducing waste and improving energy efficiency, can result in significant cost savings and helps SMEs to stay ahead of regulations and reduce risks associated with environmental and social issues.
- Aligning business operations with global priorities contributes to address global challenges such as poverty, inequality and climate change and to the EU's broader goals of sustainability, social cohesion and economic stability, creating a more resilient and inclusive economy.
Further information
Video of the company awards ceremony 2023
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.