Housing Rehabilitation Energy Improvement Program II: Rehabilitation of social housing
About this good practice
The problem addressed is the need to achieve the national objectives of "energy transition", as energy costs rise and the poorest populations are the first affected. It is a public service obligation to support the rehabilitation of social housing in order to reach the BBC - low energy building standard. The Housing Rehabilitation Energy Improvement Program stems from a regional policy aiming at pushing forward housing energy performances and social requirements vis-a-vis poorest housings.
The practice financed:
- The support rehabilitation works responding to BBC standard: minimum 38% energy saving and C+ standard to receive Region co-financing. Minimum 50% energy saving and B standard to combine co-financing from Region and ERFD funds.
- There is a contribution to cost reduction through tenants’ support and performance follow-up of heating installations. The Purchase/Rehabilitation operation funds can go from 3,000 € to 9,000€ per housing depending on energy performance and saving. The housing rehabilitation and energy performance improved as well: 8 to 16% of eligible costs depending on energy performance and saving.
- It promotes approaches that assist tenants in using rehabilitated housing. The final objective is to stop using oil and propane.
The main stakeholders are social landlords and social housing organizations as well as local public enterprises. The final beneficiaries of this policy are the tenants of these buildings, especially low-income housing.
Resources needed
This project has a 5-year duration and the budget is voted each year. In 2017, 4 million Euros (+ 9 million Euros ERDF) was provided. The financial forecasts are unknown for the upcoming years.
Evidence of success
The Region contributed with over 60 million euros over 4 years for the rehabilitation of 30 000 housings. This corresponds to about 10% of the regional social real estate. It has been seen that energy standards have increased passing from C+ to B. The tenants were considered as active participants throughout the rehabilitation project duration to impact on behaviour change regarding energy use. Based on this successful practice, the program has been renewed for a 3rd phase starting in 2017.
Potential for learning or transfer
Works carried out under this program, particularly focused on the thermal aspect, involved the residents in managing their renovated housing energy consumptions. Inhabitants' involvement is a strong added value insofar as program results are linked to use criteria and to a sociological approach which is often insufficiently taken into account. This practice within the implementation of this policy can inspire other regions. Capitalisation on achievements was made in 2016 through a guidebook for residents’ comprehensive support during the energy rehabilitations based on field experiences. This also provides social landlords with a set of methodological elements. It was carried out by the ARHLM (regional association gathering social landlords) and BDM (Mediterranean Sustainable Buildings association). The guidebook could be translated into English and disseminated to other European regions in view of transferring it.