Electric motosharing for public workers
Published on 26 February 2021
Región de Murcia
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
To further promote sustainable mobility in the municipality of Murcia, an electric motosharing system was implemented in 2018. The system is about facilitating the use of electric motorcycles for their commuting during working hours. The practice has the general aim of reducing the carbon footprint of the municipality, reduce air pollution and promote e-mobility, not only among the public workers, but among the whole citizenship. Furthermore, in most cases, shifting between municipality buildings are time consuming, because of the traffic and parking difficulties. With this system, there is a considerable time saving in the daily work of public workers.
Eight e-motorcycles have been established in the parking area of Abenarabi public building (most public workers work there). Each of the motorcycles have a charging point and a specific key. The system is supported by an IT system that controls which motorbikes are being used and by who as well as the amount of time each moto is in use.
For the use of the system, each public worker has to do a formal request, and after that, they will receive a personal card.
There are lots of public workers that, when doing internal shifting during a day, park their private car and take the electric moto because of its advantages.
The main stakeholders are the municipality of Murcia, the maintenance companies of the different parts of the system and the public workers, which, in addition, are the main beneficiaries of the practice.
Eight e-motorcycles have been established in the parking area of Abenarabi public building (most public workers work there). Each of the motorcycles have a charging point and a specific key. The system is supported by an IT system that controls which motorbikes are being used and by who as well as the amount of time each moto is in use.
For the use of the system, each public worker has to do a formal request, and after that, they will receive a personal card.
There are lots of public workers that, when doing internal shifting during a day, park their private car and take the electric moto because of its advantages.
The main stakeholders are the municipality of Murcia, the maintenance companies of the different parts of the system and the public workers, which, in addition, are the main beneficiaries of the practice.
Resources needed
• Purchase of 8 electric motorcycles = 20.000€
• Purchase of key management system and id cards = 1.000€ + 300€ maintenance p.a.
• Installation of 8 charging points = 12.000€ + 1.500€ preinstallation
= 34.500€ + 300€ maintenance p.a.
• Personnel for maintenance, registering and supporting users
• Purchase of key management system and id cards = 1.000€ + 300€ maintenance p.a.
• Installation of 8 charging points = 12.000€ + 1.500€ preinstallation
= 34.500€ + 300€ maintenance p.a.
• Personnel for maintenance, registering and supporting users
Evidence of success
Until February 2021, 14,535 km have been done with the e-motorcycles, which suppose a reduction of 1.52 tCO2. If we consider the average km per year when the system was fully installed, until 2030, the e-vehicles will reduce, at least, 9.08 tCO2. In addition, according to the IT system results, e-motorcycles are used during the working day by more than one user, which shows its acceptance among employees.
Potential for learning or transfer
This good practice has a great potential for transfer to other entities, as it is a simple and successful system which public, semi-public or private organizations can adapt to their daily habits. The ambition of the system can vary form a small and pilot project to a great electric motorbikes fleet system, depending of specific conditions.
There are some key aspects as selecting appropriate locations for the installation of the system, the motorcycles autonomy or the kind of the electric charging point to be installed, however, all of these parameters are scalable to each specific condition.
There are some key aspects as selecting appropriate locations for the installation of the system, the motorcycles autonomy or the kind of the electric charging point to be installed, however, all of these parameters are scalable to each specific condition.
Further information
Good practice owner
Regional Government of Murcia
Región de Murcia