
Eco tourism - a sustainable chain
Published on 20 January 2022

Övre Norrland
This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
In line with a rapidly growing demand of eco tourism services a new challenge has occurred: a lack of sustainable and local products from the arctic region. A lodge that wants to work in a sustainable way is dependent on another company that wants to create sustainable products to use and sell. Eco tourism entrepreneurs create activities that are fun, informative, high in quality and clear in identity, and the local connection must be everywhere. But here in northern Sweden the businesses are small and far away from each other, and to be honest, pretty few.
To overcome this issue the only way is to show the communities that there is a demand, and to support the ones that are trying. We have therefore created a network of people, all with different insights and knowledge, that together share professional skills. As a pilot project 8 of participants, a number decided by current covid restrictions, met to sit down and share ideas and services. In a mix of lectures and discussions new bonds were formed. New products were tested and tasted, as well as knowledge were transferred between the partners. Everyone could agree to the fact that locally produced artisan products brings meaning to eco-tourism as a whole.
So it’s not just about producing exclusive, natural products with no chemical additives as a solid good deed. Instead it strengthens the whole movement of environmentally awareness that is growing all around us.
To overcome this issue the only way is to show the communities that there is a demand, and to support the ones that are trying. We have therefore created a network of people, all with different insights and knowledge, that together share professional skills. As a pilot project 8 of participants, a number decided by current covid restrictions, met to sit down and share ideas and services. In a mix of lectures and discussions new bonds were formed. New products were tested and tasted, as well as knowledge were transferred between the partners. Everyone could agree to the fact that locally produced artisan products brings meaning to eco-tourism as a whole.
So it’s not just about producing exclusive, natural products with no chemical additives as a solid good deed. Instead it strengthens the whole movement of environmentally awareness that is growing all around us.
Expert opinion
This good practice is an excellent example showing how can a local or regional authority support eco-tourism and local eco-entrepreneurship. Such facilitation is especially important in remote areas, where there is not a huge abundance of businesses. Collaboration leads to innovation and creation of new sustainable artisan products, which will reinforce the growing economy connected to eco -tourism. The approach described in this good practice can be adopted by remote areas in Europe, in order to support traditional products, innovation, creation of local business opportunities and sustainable tourism offerings.
Works at
Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform
Resources needed
To create a meetups like this, and to spread the word further, you need leadership, engagement, community support and funding. The exact cost mostly depends on what kind of location/platsform chosen, since that is the biggest cost. We created our meetup at a cost of 1500 EUR.
Evidence of success
There is an many layered value to this meeting. Ideas were supported, bonds were made, and business agreements done. Some were instant (e.g. a handicraft stores and a artisan food creators found each other on this meetup), others are more long term. We hope to constantly see a growing number of food- and product startup companies in the arctic region due to the clear demand, and that more local products used and sold by local eco tourism entrepreneurs.
Potential for learning or transfer
This workshop model has contributed to provide a start, and a partial solution, to the communication issue between companies at different levels on the eco-tourism-chain. We see big potential in starting up an incubator for new companies, and a digital platform were people can find each other outside the meetings and workshops.
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.

Övre Norrland