E-learning course on construction and demolition waste: prevention and recovery.
About this good practice
The e-learning course was organized under the (De)construct for Circular Economy project and aimed to promote education/awareness actions aimed at the various agents along the Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) associated chain, supporting their interaction in order to promote a more sustainable value chain organization, in line with the principles of the circular economy.
The online course covered the 13 municipalities that integrate CIMBAL´s region and the target audience were municipal technicians and other regional entities that develop their activities in the field of construction and demolition waste.
The course works online and the trainee studied autonomously the materials provided. With a duration of 4 weeks, the course is composed of 4 learning modules. The study of the modules is done in phases and at your own pace.
More than ever circular economy is a priority and the e-learning course pretends to give an answer to this interest through the presentation of contents related to life cycle and methodologies that are included in the course modules such as introduction to circular economy and environmental footprint.
This type of capacitation actions benefits from a life cycle analysis since it presents a structure based on an efficient use of resources, contributing to accelerate the transition to the circular economy, which is in line with the principles of this new paradigm and can provide additional environmental and resource efficiency value.
Expert opinion
Resources needed
The training is included in the (De)construct for Circular Economy project that presents a global budget of 587,801.60 euros, benefiting from a co-financing from EEA Grants at a rate of 85%.
Staff resources and training is a key aspect to deliver this project.
Evidence of success
The on-line course was a success and a new edition is being considered since the legislation is changing
This course had 69 trainees and supported their interaction in order to promote a more sustainable value chain organisation, in line with the principles of the circular economy.
This initiative enabled the training of partners involved in issues related to the management of Construction and Demolition Waste.
Potential for learning or transfer
This good practice may be applicable in every country/region that want to support economic agents, with specific training and capacitation, in an environmental, social and economic level regarding the region's waste management activity and to promote the recognition of the sustainability performance of the regions.
Thus, this good practice is applicable in every country and region that face problems regarding CDW. The (De)construct for Circular Economy project is showing that this is a problem in several countries and the partners are really focused on finding some solutions for these issues.
Despite the presented challenges this good practices is also an opportunity to include other features regarding LCA since the course can better achieve its objective using more life cycle issues in what regards CDW.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.