
Duurzaam ondernemen in Drenthe
Published on 25 March 2021

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
For SME's that are compliant with the national law on energy-efficiency but want to take this a step further, the province of Drenthe has the offer of a free energy scan and free follow-up and advise about taking the measures.
The scan and advise is executed by ( and costs only 500 per SME. This is paid for by the province.
SME's have to pay for the measures themselves, but get advice on available funds and subsidies.
Context of the project:
The project is part of the Energytransition agenda Drenthe 2020-2023. Goal: 40 % renewable energy in 2030.
Energy-production and energy-consumption are in balance in 2050.
Focus: All houses are sustainable in 2040, SME’s and industry are largely energy neutral in 2050, our energy infrastructure is reliable and flexible in 2030.
Energy consumption in Drenthe: Housing 33%, Mobility 33%, SME's & Industry 30%
The scan and advise is executed by ( and costs only 500 per SME. This is paid for by the province.
SME's have to pay for the measures themselves, but get advice on available funds and subsidies.
Context of the project:
The project is part of the Energytransition agenda Drenthe 2020-2023. Goal: 40 % renewable energy in 2030.
Energy-production and energy-consumption are in balance in 2050.
Focus: All houses are sustainable in 2040, SME’s and industry are largely energy neutral in 2050, our energy infrastructure is reliable and flexible in 2030.
Energy consumption in Drenthe: Housing 33%, Mobility 33%, SME's & Industry 30%
Resources needed
De recources needed are only € 500 per SME. The province does not subsidise the execution of measures.
Costs from the start of the project in november 2017, until november 2020 are € 350.000.
Costs from the start of the project in november 2017, until november 2020 are € 350.000.
Evidence of success
700 Energyscans were executed
292 SME’s invested € 9.100.000,-- to reduce their energy-consumption, resulting in a yearly reduction of 6.500 tons CO2.
In 2021 we start with a new series of scans!
292 SME’s invested € 9.100.000,-- to reduce their energy-consumption, resulting in a yearly reduction of 6.500 tons CO2.
In 2021 we start with a new series of scans!
Potential for learning or transfer
For the amount of only € 500 per SME, al lot of energy efficiency was achieved. We think that this proves that you don't always have to invest thousands of euro's in one SME to achieve energy-efficiency, especially when the measures have a short return of investment. If you spend less money per SME, you can help more SMEs with the same budget.
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Province of Drenthe
