Development of strategic instruments for planning the cycling networks
Published on 02 December 2019

This is the good practice's implementation level. It can be national, regional or local.
About this good practice
The region of Burgenland was missing a comprehensive strategy to promote cycling in the region. Past initiatives mainly focused on tourism and leisure cycling, while everyday cycling was not given sufficient attention. In order to overcome this situation, the region decided to develop a master plan for cycling.
The document is aiming at doubling the number of cycling trips until 2030. Especially trips less than five kilometers, which sum up to 50% of all trips in the region offer a large potential to be shifted to cycling. Furthermore the region is aiming at a reduction of the number of fatalities by 50%. The masterplan is aiming to achieve these objectives by the elaborated activities which are covering the following topics:
ā¢ Facilitating everyday cycling
ā¢ Further improving tourism and leisure cycling
ā¢ Relieving road accident spots
ā¢ Improving the access roads to public transport hubs incl. bike parking facilities
ā¢ An overall communication strategy for everyday cycling
ā¢ Sharing knowledge and information among the relevant stakeholders.
ā¢ New financial support schemes
The document is addressing the different departments dealing with cycling issues within the regional administration, but also the municipalities which in most of cases have the exclusive competence to implement cycling infrastructure and organisation measures.
The document is aiming at doubling the number of cycling trips until 2030. Especially trips less than five kilometers, which sum up to 50% of all trips in the region offer a large potential to be shifted to cycling. Furthermore the region is aiming at a reduction of the number of fatalities by 50%. The masterplan is aiming to achieve these objectives by the elaborated activities which are covering the following topics:
ā¢ Facilitating everyday cycling
ā¢ Further improving tourism and leisure cycling
ā¢ Relieving road accident spots
ā¢ Improving the access roads to public transport hubs incl. bike parking facilities
ā¢ An overall communication strategy for everyday cycling
ā¢ Sharing knowledge and information among the relevant stakeholders.
ā¢ New financial support schemes
The document is addressing the different departments dealing with cycling issues within the regional administration, but also the municipalities which in most of cases have the exclusive competence to implement cycling infrastructure and organisation measures.
Resources needed
Resources needed depends on the defined process and the number of involved administrative levels. The contracting of external experts is absolutely recommended to bring in strong knowhow. This approach requires lengthy and intensive debates, but it guarantees that the plan finds broad acceptance.
Evidence of success
First measures recommended in the masterplan have already been implemented (Regional Everyday Cycling Network, new funding scheme for everyday cycling, regional cycling coordinator, etc.).The continuous involvement of many decision makers at different levels (regional administration, politics, and municipalities) during the process and ongoing for the implementation of the measures already raised their awareness and knowhow of the needs for a new cycling culture in our region significantly.
Potential for learning or transfer
Defining flagship projects and ideally bringing them into implementation even during the elaboration phase of the masterplan underlines the practicability of the recommended measures and highlights the benefits resulting from cycling promotion in the very short term. This is strengthening the support of the relevant decision makers on the political level as well as the interest of necessary partners for implementation (e.g. municipalities).
Further information
Good practice owner
You can contact the good practice owner below for more detailed information.
Burgenland Regional Management (RMB)

Head of Mobility Center Burgenland