Combination of rainwater network and stormwater storage tanks
Published on 27 May 2020
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About this good practice
Τhe project consists of rainwater networks as well as a storage tank of a total volume of 8000m3, with a pumping station for the discharge of storm water to surface waters. The tank is a flood retention tank and the collected water is currently discharged to a nearby stream but future planning is that the collected storm water is used for the irrigation of urban areas. The tank is divided into two compartments; the second one is used during heavy rainfall. The project succeeds concentration of flooding, flood retention time and storage of water of suitable quality for irrigation of nearby urban areas and other uses (street washing, fire extinguishment etc) as there is a mechanism for the removal of solids in the storage tank. The existence of a separate compartment allows for the preservation of a quantity of rainwater during the summer months. By the end of August the pumps will be able to enter the winter program by fully discharging the tank so that its volume is fully exploited for the flood retention.
Expert opinion
The practice is a very good example of a simple yet effective technological approach for using rainwater for various urban and agricultural needs. The storm water collection also solves potential flood-related problems. It can also be used as a substitution of the use of fresh water. The solution is very effective and could be used by municipalities in dryer Southern European countries which have to solve at the same time the problems of droughts and the downfall of storm waters and the burdening of storm water networks.
Resources needed
The budget of the project was around 5,000,000 €, 3,000,000 € the cost of the networks and 2,000,000 € the cost of the retention facilities (storm water tank, overflow installation etc
Evidence of success
Reduction of the burden of the storm water network and protection of downstream areas from floods. At the same time there is the potential of using this water, especially during dry periods for uses such as irrigation and other urban uses saving water of drinking quality. Despite the fact that the cost seems high it is offset by the benefits of reducing the impacts of floods, prevention of disasters due to floods as well as water saving.
Potential for learning or transfer
It is a project not difficult to implement and with multiple benefits. It is operationally simple and reliable and with the possibility to intervene ex post to some characteristics of the system, i.e. the hydraulic characteristics of the overflow. Achievement of flood retention, buffer of flooding of downstream areas, lower demands of networks, water reuse/ saving.
Further information
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Region of Attica